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Re: [PATCH] scripts/ broken symlinks created for nested multilib

David, All,

On Friday 21 September 2012 06:42:38 David Holsgrove wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User David Holsgrove <>
> # Date 1348202094 -36000
> # Node ID 886f1bbadce3c2a5ea07a4a46ce140a5a04dc555
> # Parent  d9ae5974b0bd4f111c00b38a4edd6656bd1f0226
> scripts/ broken symlinks created for nested multilib
> dirs

libc/glibc-eglibc: fix symlinks for nested multilib dirs

> prepares a number of symlinks for use in building C
> Library, which is iterated through for each multilib combo, however there is a
> hardcoded number of backsteps in the symlink command which assumes the multi_dir
> is only 1 directory deep.
> This means we are creating broken symlinks for nested multilib dirs, eg;
>   gcc configured with these multilibs (besides the default):
>   -mxl-barrel-shift  -->  bs/
>   -mxl-barrel-shift -mno-xl-soft-mul  -->  bs/m/
>   -mxl-barrel-shift -mno-xl-soft-mul -mxl-multiply-high  -->  bs/m/mh/
>   multi_dir=bs;      ln -sf "../lib/bs" "bs/lib"           <- Ok
>   multi_dir=bs/m;    ln -sf "../lib/bs/m" "bs/m/lib"       <- Broken
>   multi_dir=bs/m/mh; ln -sf "../lib/bs/m/mh" "bs/m/mh/lib" <- Broken
> In the Final C Library step, we perform a "Fixing up multilib location" stage,
> which in each loop removes its temporary multi_dir - a problem with nested
> multilib dirs, as the first loop may be for 'bs' say, which will remove the
> 'bs' directory, and the nested dirs for bs/m, bs/m/mh along with it, before
> they have gone through their own do_libc_backend_once iteration.
> The solution I propose is similar to how the build-libc-${libc_mode}
> directories are created - replacing '/' with '_' and having a flat structure
> for these temp multi_dirs

In theory, I have nothing serious against your patch. Except I don't know
how to test it. Care to share a defconfig (ct-ng defconfig), please?

Yann E. MORIN.

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