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[CT-NG] Patchwork available

Hello All!

Jeremy Kerr, from, was kind enough to add a patchwork instance
for crosstool-NG. Thank you, Jeremy!

The patchwork is available there:
Adn the list od pending patches there:

Patches sent to the mailing list will automatically pop in short order on
this patchwork, which will allow for a smoother integration of pending
patches, and no more misses on my part.

Author of patches can (after they create amn account there) edit their own
patch status, and everybody can see the list of on-the-fly patches at anytime.

Thanks again to Jeremy for providing this hosting!

Yann E. MORIN.

|  Yann E. MORIN  | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
| +33 662 376 056 | Software  Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN     |  ___               |
| +33 223 225 172 `------------.-------:  X  AGAINST      |  \e/  There is no  |
| | _/*\_ | / \ HTML MAIL    |   v   conspiracy.  |

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