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Re: [PATCH] configure: check for libstdc++ and zlib, dynamic and static

Bryan, Anthony, All,

On Saturday 22 January 2011 08:25:38 Bryan Hundven wrote:
> > Sorry about the duplicate work; I just now saw your mail, right after
> > sending my patch to handle at least part of the same problem.
> I like seeing that there is more then one way to fix a problem. Which
> configuration did you build to need these fixes?

I like to see different solutions as well, it helps find the best way,
with alternate approaches. In fact, I like both patches (because they
are both correct, and both correctly written), but I don't like any of
them in their current state (because they forces librdc++ even if not
needed, and because yours is not in the proper script).

> Your change makes me ask: Do we need libstdc++.a for a certain
> configuration? Or for all?

See my previous mail. Let's keep the discussion there...

Yann E. MORIN.

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