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Re: [CT-NG] WIP - status

Bryan, All,

On Thursday 20 January 2011 01:30:03 Bryan Hundven wrote:
> Maybe try glibc 2.13, wrt IA-64?

Fact is, the webpage for glibc still mentions 2.11.2 as the latest version
officially released version. How on earth is one supposed to know that a
new version gets released if the project's page is not updated? Or maybe
this page is not the official one:
Drepper-land is a very strange place to wander in. Sigh...

> Would it also be useful to be able to get glibc (and glibc-ports) from
> git as well as from tarballs? I noticed that some versions of glibc
> did not release tarballs for libc, and ports.

Well... The purpose of released tarballs is just that: to put out
_releases_. Of course we could use the git tree, but really this makes
it more complicated than it should be... :-(

> It's also easy to export git to a tarball:
> git archive --format=tar --prefix=glibc-<version>/
> {revision|branch+revision|HEAD} | bzip2 > glibc-<version>.tar.bz2

The issue is not how to use a specific tag/branch/changeset from git,
but rather how to properly integrate it in the downlad process...

If we were to use the git tree as source, then there is no point in
usign tarballs at all. What I envision is:
 - check if git tree is already downlaoded
   - if not, then clone it
   - move to local source dir
 - clone the local tree to the working dir
 - check out appropriate tag

There is already some git-handling code in crosstool-NG, but I did not
have the time/willingness to pursue this for now. I'll look into that
after the next release...

> I'll give both glibc and eglibc a shot tonight on
> armeb-xscale-linux-gnueabi, powerpc-e500v2-linux-gnuspe, and
> x86-nptl-linux-gnu tonight.

Thank you! :-)

> I noticed that with x86_64-nptl-linux-gnu, gdb-7.2 is not building...
> I'll send an email about this later, when I test the above stuff.

Good, thanks.

Yann E. MORIN.

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