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Re: CT-NG: floating point support in Newlibs printf?

On 2010-10-21 12:55, Jeppe Ledet-Pedersen wrote:

I have successfully compiled a toolchain for my ARM7TDMI with
crosstool-NG 1.8.1. I have used GCC 4.5.0, Newlib 1.18 and Binutils
2.20.1, disabled EABI and software floating point. The full
build.log.bz2 can be downloaded from

I can compile my codebase with no errors, but I am having trouble when
trying to use printf and siblings with floating point values. Everything
else, including printf's with integers, seems to work as expected.

I just tried compiling with the CodeSourcery 2010q1-188 toolchain and got exactly the same problems as with my own toolchain. So I'm suspecting that my toolchain is compiled properly and that the problems lie in the compilation/linking of my code base.

I compile using Eclipse CDT with the GNU ARM plugin. I compile with -mcpu=arm7tdmi and have tried both with -O0, -Os and with or without -mfloat-abi=soft.

My old, working toolchain consists of:
* GCC 4.1.1 with --target=arm-elf --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --enable-languages="c,c++" --with-newlib
* Newlib 1.17 with --target=arm-elf --enable-interwork --enable-multilib
* Binutils 2.19.1 with -target=arm-elf --enable-interwork --enable-multilib

With my 4.1.1. toolchain, I have no problems with printing floating point values.

Do you have any ideas on what could be the problem?

Best regards,

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