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[CT-NG:patch 07/19] Adapt CTPatch function to handle dash in package name

Some packages have a dash ('-') in their package name, other
packages have a dash in their version number. In order to handle this
first look for a patch directory split on the last dash, in not found
check for a patch direcory split on the fist dash.

Handle package with dash both in package and version number.

Signed-off-by: Bart vdr. Meulen <>
 scripts/functions |   10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

Index: crosstool-ng/scripts/functions
--- crosstool-ng.orig/scripts/functions
+++ crosstool-ng/scripts/functions
@@ -754,6 +754,16 @@ CT_Patch() {
+    if [ ! -d ${bundled_patch_dir} -a ! -d ${local_patch_dir} ]; then
+        #"${basename%%-*}" return incorrect base-file when package name contains '-'
+        #"${basename%-*}" return incorrect base-file when version contains '-'
+        #so first try first method, and if no dirs exists set to alternative
+        base_file="${basename%-*}"
+        ver_file="${basename##*-}"
+        bundled_patch_dir="${CT_LIB_DIR}/patches/${base_file}/${ver_file}"
+        local_patch_dir="${CT_CUSTOM_PATCH_DIR}/${base_file}/${ver_file}"
+    fi
     case "${CT_PATCH_ORDER}" in
         bundled)        patch_dirs=("${bundled_patch_dir}");;
         local)          patch_dirs=("${local_patch_dir}");;


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