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Re: patches/glibc/2.9 vs patches/glibc/2_9


On Sunday 29 March 2009 03:45:06 Nye Liu wrote:
> Yann, why is it that patches go in 2_9 and not 2.9? in my local tree i 
> had to move the patches i wanted into 2.9 for them to be applied.

Initially, for glibc-2.8 onward, there was no tarball available, and so
we had to retrieve the sources from CVS. And the CVS branch uses an '_'
instead of a '.'

So we had 2_9 instead of 2.9 as a version string. Hence the name of the
patch directory.

But recently (feb `09), tarballs for 2.8 and 2.9 have appeared, and
crosstool-NG now treats all version strings with a dot, and internally
replaces it with '_' when retrieving from CVS.

The patch directories were renamed only a few days ago, though. So if you
update your tree, you'll get all set up correctly, now.

Yann E. MORIN.

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