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RE: gcc ARM CPU's

Thanks Yann,
I have tried the trunk of 16th Nov 2008, build was successful.
Thanks again.

Just a small silly question: 

>> 2ndly ct-ng menuconfig => Target Options => Under Target
Optimizations >there are
>> few options like Architecture level, which is nothing but -march, so
can >it be
>> possible to give like armv4, armv7-m

>Was that a question? You can set architecture level there, yes. That is
>as -march= parameter, but also as --with-arch= parameter when
configuring >gcc.
>Look at the gcc man to see possible values.

Here actually I am asking "Can it be possible to give two values
together separated by comma."
Like in Tune for CPU : arm922t,cortex-m3

Reason for this, I want a single compiler for both ARM 922T and Cortex
M3 boards. 

Can it be possible by some means, like what will happen if I don't give
any values at all. Or some other way.

Right now it seems like I have to generate two compiler tool chains by
giving ARM Core Processor Types. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Yann E. MORIN [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 4:42 AM
Cc: Vivek Kumar Gupta; Bruno Monteiro
Subject: Re: gcc ARM CPU's

Hello Vivek!
Hello Bruno!
Hello All!

Sorry for the delay, I've been without mail server for the past two
weeks or
so, and have such a backlog...

So here's a very quick follow up, more at the end of the WE...

On Wednesday 12 November 2008 15:03:57 Vivek Kumar Gupta wrote:
> For showing ct-ng , it seems to be good. I am using crosstool-ng-1.2.4
> I am facing problems:
> It shows latest gcc is 4.2.4, I want gcc 4.3.2, what I have to do
setting to 4.3.2.

Try with trunk. It's in good shape at the moment, and I plan on
1.3.0 early next week. It has support for gcc-4.3.1 and 4.3.2, plus the
uClibc-0.9.30 (Yeah!) and a bunch of other goodies... Feedback
appreciated before
the release! :-)

>  I saw config/cc/ , there are lines for 4.3.x, but how to set
it, Or there
>  is tools/ but running it gives error it is not able
to find
>  config//.in.

Forget about the 1.2.x series, try trunk, it's already there.

> 2ndly ct-ng menuconfig => Target Options => Under Target Optimizations
there are
> few options like Architecture level, which is nothing but -march, so
can it be
> possible to give like armv4, armv7-m

Was that a question? You can set architecture level there, yes. That is
as -march= parameter, but also as --with-arch= parameter when
configuring gcc.
Look at the gcc man to see possible values.

Yann E. MORIN.

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