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Re: Adventures with strace (somewhat off topic)


On Thursday 04 September 2008 10:28:48 Michael Abbott wrote:
[--SNIP intro about strace--]
> 4.5.17: I tried this about a week ago.  Compilation failed at first, but I 
> found this patch: .  The 
> patch doesn't apply cleanly, but it seems good enough, and the result 
> looks quite satisfactory so far.
> 4.5.18: Just checked the strace sourceforge site, and this is the only 
> version visible for download (hmm).  Unfortunately this fails to compile, 
> hitting a #error (line 435 of linux/arm/syscallent.h).  This is a *very* 
> recent release, 29th August!

I'll look at updating strace (in crosstool-NG) in the forthcoming days...
Will keep you informed.

/me think: TODO grows...

> 1. The mailing list ( is spammed to death, and 
> so there's no point in trying to subscribe or write to it.

Yet, there are brave souls that post patches there from time to time, as
you could see...

> 2. Two releases in a row are completely broken (compilation fails) for 
> ARM.

Maybe the maintainer as no ARM target to easily test on?

> 4. Only the most recent (and definitely broken) release is visible on the 
> download page, and the download site used by crosstool-ng 
> is poorly responsive, generates garbage and shows no listing of available 
> releases.

Bah, I tried several, and all behave the same (except maybe for speed,
depending on location).

> Is this an orphaned project?  Does anybody here know anything about the 
> state of this really rather valuable tool?

No, it's not orphaned, as there were releases recently. But maybe the
developers there have other matters to deal with...

Maybe you could offer to join! ;-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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