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Re: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi ABI selection

Hello Khem,

On Tuesday 02 September 2008 20:55:37 Khem Raj wrote:
> you should use the target triplets to get things right.
> in ARM context
> *-linux-gnu = OABI on Linux/Glibc
> *-linux-gnueabi = EABI Linux/glibc
> *-eabi = EABI baremetal/(w/o OS)
> *-elf = OABI baremetal/(w/o OS)

OK for glibc, bare metal is not (yet?) supported by crosstool-NG.

> Somewhere there is a patch to enhance it to understand uclibc as well.

Already in crosstool-NG.

Thank you!

Yann E. MORIN.

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