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Re: [CT_NG] crosstool-ng 1.1.0's cpp compile error

Ok.. I will use "invain" name as my official name.

sorry.. I have to use CPP word. So I will use G++ word.
(for example, armeb-unknown-linux-gnu-g++  or G++ Code)

When I used ./armeb-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ command,
I still not compiel g++ Code.

[root@centos51 bin]# ./armeb-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ -o uuu /opt/cpphello2.cpp
/opt/cpphello2.cpp:1:20: error: iostream: No such file or directory
/opt/cpphello2.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
/opt/cpphello2.cpp:4: error: 'cout' was not declared in this scope
/opt/cpphello2.cpp:4: error: 'endl' was not declared in this scope

>you can set the option CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS in "C compiler" --> "Other languages" and set it to
>"c++,java" (without quotes).

Although I set the option CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS in "C compiler" --> "Other
languages",  When I try compile crosstool-ng 1.1.1  on Centos 5.1,
I can confirm  --enable-languages-c without --enable-languages-c,c++
So, I edited manually.

> You must NOT use the g++ in the gcc-core-shared directory, it is notcomplete!
> Use the one is the install directory of your toolchain.

I can not understand upeer message. Where is  toolchain directory perfectly?
Below is my installation sequence . Is it incorrect??

[root@centos51 opt]#  cd /opt/crosstool-ng-1.1.1
[root@centos51 opt]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/androidltoolchain111
[root@centos51 opt]# make
[root@centos51 opt]# make install
[root@centos51 opt]# export PATH="${PATH}:/opt/androidltoolchain111/bin"
[root@centos51 opt]# cd  /opt/ct-ng (/your/development/directory)
[root@centos51 opt]# ct-ng menuconfig
[root@centos51 opt]# ct-ng build
[root@centos51 opt]# cd /opt
[root@centos51 opt]# tree -L 3 ./ct-ng
|-- config -> /opt/androidtoolchain111/lib/ct-ng-1.1.1/config
|-- config.gen
|   |--
|   `--
|-- kconfig
|   `-- mconf
`-- targets
    |-- armeb-unknown-linux-gnu
    |   |-- build
    |   `-- state
    |-- src
    |   |-- binutils-
    |   |-- duma-2_5_12 -> duma_2_5_12
    |   |-- duma_2_5_12
    |   |-- gcc-4.2.3
    |   |-- gdb-6.6
    |   |-- glibc-2.6.1
    |   |-- gmp-4.2.2
    |   |-- linux-
    |   |-- mpfr-2.3.1
    |   |-- sstrip
    |   `-- strace-4.5.16
    `-- tarballs
        |-- binutils-
        |-- duma-2_5_12.tar.gz -> duma_2_5_12.tar.gz
        |-- duma_2_5_12.tar.gz
        |-- gcc-4.2.3.tar.bz2
        |-- gdb-6.6.tar.bz2
        |-- glibc-2.6.1.tar.bz2
        |-- glibc-ports-2.6.1.tar.bz2
        |-- gmp-4.2.2.tar.bz2
        |-- linux-
        |-- mpfr-2.3.1.tar.bz2
        |-- showfiles.php?group_id=149725
        |-- sstrip.c
        `-- strace-4.5.16.tar.bz2

20 directories, 16 files

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