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Re: Cross tool chain with gcc-3.2.3 and glibc-2.2.3 for ppc-405


Robert Schwebel schrieb:
Did anyone succeeded in building a cross compiling tool chain with 'gcc-3.2.3' and 'glibc 2.2.3' for a 'ppc-405' Linux?

'binutils' should be version 2.13.

Would a gcc-3.2.3 / glibc-2.2.5 configuration be ok? I have one in
PTXdist (which uses crosstool to actually build it).

Crosstool works fine with gcc-3.2.3 and glibc-2.2.5. I already have a toolchain compiled. But I really need glibc-2.2.3, because the target hardware contains glibc-2.2.3 and I cannot change that.

By now I found a hint and a patch, which solve two problems while building. But I don't know how to apply the patch automatically by adding it to the patch directory.

I will investigate a little more today and will post again about the results.

If still anyone has a recipe for a gcc-3.2.3-glibc-2.2.3 toolchain, it is welcome.

Regards - Oliver

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