crossgcc archive
date index for January, 2001

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January 31, 2001
18:35 Fw: Cerate shared library problem on Cygwin! Cliff Tsai
03:44 Re: Does GDB suports mixed ARM_code (ARM+Thumb) debugging? Joel Brenner
03:19 RE: Large executables David Korn

January 30, 2001
22:58 SH4 support for GCC RAKESH
10:06 Large executables Steve deRosier
02:26 Does GDB suports mixed ARM_code (ARM+Thumb) debugging?] Joel Brenner

January 29, 2001
22:44 Re: crossgcc for 64bit processor? Enno Davids
22:37 crossgcc for 64bit processor? jw c

January 26, 2001
03:26 ADEOS Jens-Christian Lache

January 25, 2001
14:22 Re: Getting the Cygnus Tree to build cross toolchains. Alexandre Oliva
12:06 [ANN] Cross HOWTOs: Cygwin->Linux, Cygwin->newlib-targets (eg., ppc-eabi) Mumit Khan
07:43 RE: Updated HOWTO [Re: Linux target, cygwin host ] Mumit Khan
07:26 powerpc crosscompiler on redhat 6.2 intel PC with glibc ? Daniel Zhu
02:48 RE: Updated HOWTO [Re: Linux target, cygwin host ] Andreas Bach Aaen

January 24, 2001
20:12 RE: Updated HOWTO [Re: Linux target, cygwin host ] Fabrice Gautier
19:25 RE: Updated HOWTO [Re: Linux target, cygwin host ] Mumit Khan
16:58 RE: Updated HOWTO [Re: Linux target, cygwin host ] Fabrice Gautier
15:11 About target librairies and headers... Fabrice Gautier
14:32 Updated HOWTO [Re: Linux target, cygwin host ] Mumit Khan
12:56 Getting the Cygnus Tree to build cross toolchains. Fabrice Gautier
12:22 Re: Why only Linux uses GCC to compile the source code. please help Erik Mouw
10:08 Re: List and specifications of available targets (and hosts). Jonathan Larmour
05:51 Re: Why only Linux uses GCC to compile the source code. please help Scott C. Karlin
05:18 Why only Linux uses GCC to compile the source code. please help Mahadev K Cholachagudda
04:43 RE: inhibit_libc Fabrice Gautier
04:11 RE: Linux target, cygwin host CHECLER Mickael
04:03 Linux target, cygwin host Fabrice Gautier
03:07 RE: Linux target, windows host. "�ystein O Johansen"
02:42 RE: Linux target, windows host. Fabrice Gautier
02:06 RE: Linux target, windows host. Yves Rutschle

January 23, 2001
23:41 List and specifications of available targets (and hosts). Fabrice Gautier
14:03 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Steve deRosier
13:31 RE: M68K C Interrupt Handler Holland, Alexander MHX
13:00 crossgcc for powerpc on redhat 6.2 Daniel Zhu
11:15 Re: Cross-compiling from Cygwin to PowerPC: remove call to __eabiin main? Hans - Dulimarta
10:59 newlib Sascha Andres
10:42 Help g++ library build for cross compiler target powerpc Xiaopeng Gong
09:34 Linux target, windows host. Fabrice Gautier
09:33 Help g++ library build for cross compiler target powerpc Xiaopeng Gong
09:29 Re: gcc compile Philip Blundell
09:21 Re: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
08:50 RE: Failed to build cross- bin utils Tom.Williams
07:42 inhibit_libc Andreas Bach Aaen
06:37 Uploading to AEB Sunny Chan
05:12 Re: Cross-compiling from Cygwin to PowerPC: remove call to __eabi in main? Jonathan Larmour
03:28 Cross-compiling from Cygwin to PowerPC: remove call to __eabi in main? Paul Mikell
02:26 Re: gcc compile Philip Blundell
02:18 Re: gcc compile Richard Earnshaw
00:46 Build error : Windows hosted gcc for solaris 2.7 CHECLER Mickael

January 22, 2001
13:38 Re: gcc compile Philip Blundell
07:08 RE: gcc compile Yves Rutschle
07:00 Re: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
06:40 Creating (using linux) cross-gcc for avr running on host mingw32? Gunnar Henne
04:41 RE: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
04:37 RE: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
04:27 RE: gcc compile Yves Rutschle
04:07 RE: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
03:58 RE: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
03:45 RE: gcc compile Yves Rutschle
03:22 Re: gcc compile Richard Earnshaw
03:08 Re: gcc compile Philip Blundell
02:53 Re: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
02:43 Re: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
00:19 gcc compile Sascha Andres

January 21, 2001
01:51 Re: gcc compile Philip Blundell
01:30 look here driving_records

January 20, 2001
22:49 Crossgcc Tutorial Docs David Feustel
17:15 Re: gcc compile David Feustel
11:32 About kgdb for my codes without os support Hua Ji
09:51 Re: gcc compile Philip Blundell
08:18 EST Vision In Circuit Emulator Jowell, Chris {AVL~Roswell}

January 19, 2001
14:52 Branded/Private Label Realtime Internet Travel Booking Engine John Hazlewood
13:44 family of -gstabs compiler options GERASIMOV,SERGEY (HP-Roseville
12:00 Re: Problems with debug info in m68k-coff objdump/objcopy Ian Lance Taylor
10:35 Re: Failed to build cross- bin utils Tom.Williams
09:34 Problems with debug info in m68k-coff objdump/objcopy Steve deRosier
07:24 Re: Debugging the GCC compiler proper 'cc1' Alexandre Oliva
03:13 Re: Help needed Kai Ruottu
03:13 Re: Installation Problems Kai Ruottu
03:13 Re: gcc compile Kai Ruottu
03:11 Failed to build cross- bin utils CHECLER Mickael
02:58 Re: gcc compile Pierre Saucourt-Harmel (r54698
02:49 RE: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
02:29 RE: gcc compile David Korn
02:21 RE: gcc compile Jens-Christian Lache
01:56 RE: gcc compile David Korn

January 18, 2001
23:48 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Alex Holland
22:35 Re: gcc compile Helmut Kolb
21:31 Debugging the GCC compiler proper 'cc1' Mahadev K Cholachagudda
17:47 Re: Hello World and 405GP with my gcc cross compiling. Peter Ryser
15:43 RE: gcc compile Hua Ji
15:23 Re: gcc compile Gerrit Peter Haase
14:55 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Peter Barada
14:01 RE: M68K C Interrupt Handler Holland, Alexander MHX
13:48 RE: Installation Problems Robert_Paradis
13:39 Re: gcc compile Jonathan Larmour
09:39 RE: Installation Problems David Korn
09:27 gcc compile Sascha Andres
08:29 RE: Cross Compiler Install questions Birchmier, Masaki
03:24 RE: Help needed Hua Ji
03:11 Re: Installation Problems Kai Ruottu
03:11 Re: Installation Problems Kai Ruottu
03:11 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Kai Ruottu
03:11 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Kai Ruottu
03:11 Re: Help needed Kai Ruottu
02:48 RE: Cross Compiler Install questions Yves Rutschle
02:22 Virtual memory exhausted compiling a very large C-source Moreno

January 17, 2001
23:13 RE: Need help to install a cross compiler for powerpc Hua Ji
18:46 RE: Need help to install a cross compiler for powerpc Ian Zhang
17:42 RE: Error Compiling crossGCC For Arm Yeong Jiun How
17:14 Need help to install a cross compiler for powerpc Ian Zhang
14:57 RE: Cross Compiler Install questions Hua Ji
14:42 Re: Hello World and 405GP with my gcc cross compiling. Grant Erickson
14:42 Cross Compiler Install questions Birchmier, Masaki
14:32 Hello World and 405GP with my gcc cross compiling. Hua Ji
11:16 Help needed Hua Ji
08:31 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Peter Barada
06:53 RE: Installation Problems David Korn
06:48 RE: Installation Problems Robert_Paradis
06:27 RE: Installation Problems David Korn
06:22 Installation Problems Robert_Paradis
04:20 Is it possible to build a COFF-DLL? clifftsai
01:55 RE: Error Compiling crossGCC For Arm David Korn
01:44 Error Compiling crossGCC For Arm karsten

January 16, 2001
21:53 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Keith Wright
21:30 About error: cannot exec 'cc1': No such file or directory Hua Ji
19:54 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler clifftsai
19:34 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Holland, Alexander MHX
17:33 Re: Problem building a cross-gcc for arm target Yeong Jiun How
17:30 Re: What's the difference between m68k-coff and m68k-elf ABI? Jerry Yan
11:42 Re: Problem building a cross-gcc for arm target Igor Zafievsky
10:53 Re: Build Powerpc-motorola-ebi cross compiler error/gcc-2.95.2/Solaris8 Kai Ruottu
10:52 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Kai Ruottu
09:51 RE: Problem building a cross-gcc for arm target Yves Rutschle
09:43 Problem building a cross-gcc for arm target Igor Trevisan
08:14 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Peter Barada
04:52 Re: What's the difference between m68k-coff and m68k-elf ABI? John Breen
01:09 RE: M68K C Interrupt Handler Robert Grand
00:43 How to build libf2c? jw c
00:02 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Ken DESMET

January 15, 2001
23:09 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler clifftsai
22:32 Re: What's the difference between m68k-coff and m68k-elf ABI? Alex Holland
21:51 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler Alex Holland
20:31 Re: What's the difference between m68k-coff and m68k-elf ABI? mike
20:11 Re: M68K C Interrupt Handler clifftsai
19:57 What's the difference between m68k-coff and m68k-elf ABI? clifftsai
18:20 M68K C Interrupt Handler Holland, Alexander MHX
18:06 Successful Compilation Of crossGCC For Arm Yeong Jiun How

January 14, 2001
20:51 Re: Are you optimising properly? mike
08:35 RE: Are you optimising properly? Eric Nelson
06:35 Re: kbhit() Marcin Wolcendorf
05:41 Re: kbhit() Enno Davids
05:35 kbhit() Gad Hayisraeli
03:47 Are you optimising properly? Robert de Bath

January 12, 2001
22:54 RE: gcc-m68k cross compiler problem gcc2.95.2 Mahadev K Cholachagudda
17:13 Build Powerpc-motorola-ebi cross compiler error/gcc-2.95.2/Solaris8 Ramesh Veema
05:38 Re: gcc-m68k cross compiler problem gcc2.95.2 Pierre Saucourt-Harmel (r54698
04:04 RE: gcc-m68k cross compiler problem gcc2.95.2 Mahadev K Cholachagudda
02:56 RE: Error Compiling crossGCC For Arm David Korn
01:51 Error Compiling crossGCC For Arm Yeong Jiun How

January 11, 2001
23:09 Re: mike
21:46 FW: Mahadev K Cholachagudda
07:11 Re: Problems building crossgcc for PowerPC under CygWin Mumit Khan
06:53 Problems building crossgcc for PowerPC under CygWin Johan Ekberg
05:37 Re: Build a short executable Pierre Saucourt-Harmel (r54698
03:10 RE: problems building a crosscompiler David Korn
02:58 Re: problems building a crosscompiler Michael Wisse

January 10, 2001
22:16 Re: How to build M68k and ARM platform newlib under Cygwin! mike
21:46 How to build M68k and ARM platform newlib under Cygwin! clifftsai
21:17 Re: the Gcc and GTK to do the cross compiling mike
17:35 the Gcc and GTK to do the cross compiling chendyg
10:27 Re: fembedded-cxx Richard Earnshaw
09:58 RE: Extracting from CVS for the latest release David Korn
09:40 Re: fembedded-cxx Jens-Christian Lache
09:21 Extracting from CVS for the latest release Stephen P. Smith
08:36 Re: fembedded-cxx Kai Ruottu
08:36 Re: Where to get start about cross development! Kai Ruottu
06:31 RE: GCC Cross-compile to MIPS target (any SO) Yves Rutschle
05:11 GCC Cross-compile to MIPS target (any SO) Francisco Rodriguez
02:16 Re: Build a short executable Pierre Saucourt-Harmel (r54698
01:52 fembedded-cxx Jens-Christian Lache

January 09, 2001
23:23 RE: crossgcc debug with HP emulator Jepsen Hans Peter
21:49 Re: Where to get start about cross development! mike
21:42 Where to get start about cross development! clifftsai
21:15 Fw: the GTK AP for cross compiling mike
20:10 the GTK AP for cross compiling chendyg
09:07 Re: Build a short executable Peter Barada
08:51 RE: problems building a crosscompiler Yves Rutschle
08:42 problems building a crosscompiler Michael Wisse
08:17 RE: Build a short executable David Korn
08:05 Build a short executable Pierre Saucourt-Harmel (r54698
07:50 Re: crossgcc debug with HP emulator Steve deRosier
07:49 Re: compiling with floating point emulation Alexandre Oliva
07:25 compiling with floating point emulation Gad Hayisraeli
05:54 RE: crossgcc debug with HP emulator Jepsen Hans Peter

January 08, 2001
16:00 Re: cygwin 1.1.7 and cross builds Joel Sherrill
10:37 Re: cygwin 1.1.7 and cross builds Peter Shoebridge
10:21 cygwin 1.1.7 and cross builds Joel Sherrill
05:52 Re: Problems with building cross-compiler from Cygwin to PowerPC Jonathan Larmour
04:39 RE: Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 David Korn
04:23 RE: Problems with building cross-compiler from Cygwin to PowerPC David Korn
04:07 Re: Problems with building cross-compiler from Cygwin to PowerPC Jonathan Larmour
03:44 Re: Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 Jonathan Larmour
02:02 Problems with building cross-compiler from Cygwin to PowerPC Paul Mikell
01:52 RE: Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 David Korn

January 07, 2001
10:55 OS_ABI field in ELF question Jani Monoses

January 06, 2001
13:53 Using GDB with M32R MSA2000 Board Aklilu Noah
04:47 Re: crossgcc debug with HP emulator John Breen

January 05, 2001
14:28 Re: How to build a cross compiler from x86 linux to mips little endian linux Pete Buechler
13:23 ATMEL EB40 evaluation board Richard Slaughter
12:35 Re: How to build a cross compiler from x86 linux to mips little endian linux Jun Sun
10:47 Re: Error on cross-gcc ARM-elf Jonathan Larmour
10:41 Re: Can't 'make' again... Jonathan Larmour
10:37 Re: Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 Jonathan Larmour
09:38 crossgcc debug with HP emulator Steve deRosier
09:35 Re: Can't 'make' again... Kai Ruottu
03:59 Re: How to build a cross compiler from x86 linux to mips little endian linux Kai Ruottu
03:59 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Kai Ruottu
02:46 RE: Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 David Korn

January 04, 2001
18:12 Re: Can't 'make' again... mike
13:20 Error on cross-gcc ARM-elf Renato Levy
10:50 Re: Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) Paul D. Smith
10:39 Re: How to build a cross compiler from x86 linux to mips little endian linux Pete Buechler
10:36 Re: Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 Jonathan Larmour
09:53 Re: Can't 'make' again... Robert Melchers
09:48 Can't 'make' again... Marcin Wolcendorf
06:41 How to build a cross compiler from x86 linux to mips little endian linux Qingbo Wu
04:25 RE: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... David Korn
04:22 RE: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... David Korn
03:26 RE: Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) David Korn
02:55 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Kai Ruottu
02:55 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Kai Ruottu
02:55 Re: Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) Kai Ruottu

January 03, 2001
14:48 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Alexandre Oliva
14:21 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Kai Ruottu
12:03 Error building GCC for ARM-elf on Cygwin 1.1.6 Renato Levy
10:08 Re: Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) Ryan Maples
08:33 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Dick Munroe
08:08 Re: Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) Paul D. Smith
04:38 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Alexandre Oliva
04:33 Re: Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) Kai Ruottu
04:33 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Kai Ruottu
04:32 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Kai Ruottu
01:25 Re: the GTK mike
00:24 Re: the GTK chendyg21

January 02, 2001
23:33 Building GCC 2.95.2 for VxWorks (powerpc) Paul D. Smith
22:05 Re: the GTK Alexandre Oliva
20:39 Re: the GTK mike
19:37 the GTK chendyg21
19:37 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Alexandre Oliva
18:57 Re: Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Rod Stewart
18:52 Trying to build a cross compiler from linux to netbsd... Dick Munroe
06:51 about mips little endian cross compile Qingbo Wu

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