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[Fwd: Cross Compile to a mips r3000 processor (playstation)]

Here comes a message I was asked to forward...

Would you mind forwarding this message for me to the Cygnus List?
seems like my SMTP service provider is banned from it for someone spaming
Thank you.

I got mine working compiling like this:

./configure --target=mipsel-psx-ecoff --disable-nls
make install

./configure --target=mipsel-psx-ecoff --disable-nls --with-gnu-as
make "C C++"
make install

I had to create an /include directory under the new
/usr/bin/mipsel-psx-ecoff after building and
installing binutils and put 2 empty files in it, stdlib.h and unistd.h I

making the Gcc package I got into an error I could never find out what
really was, but if you neglect
it and install, it still works, of couse this will output ecoff "Yaroze"

exe's so you have to "eco2exe"
them in order to convert them to PSX format, which is not a GCC native
output format (you might have to
write a linking script if you want to add that feature or just upload
ecoff to the playstation,
caetla supports it, but I get weird results doing that, like colors look

inverted, like a negative of a
also it has the big disadvantage that GCC will not call LD for you, in
other words something like

mipsel-psx-ecoff-gcc hello.c -o hello.psx

will not work but

mipsel-psx-ecoff-gcc -c hello.c
mipsel-psx-ecoff-ld hello.o -o hello.psx

will work, I want to fix all this, if someone knows how to, please help,
believe it is because the
libgcca or libc.a or all of those fail to compile, how do I prevent Gcc
link against those?

also you NEED to build at least a syscall library, (there is some source

around from the NOT-YAROZE site)
because this library replaces most of the standard GCC ones.

the other option is checking , getting the patches for
source, apply em and compile,
or just download the mandrake RPMs, the site has just been put back on,
I dont know which version of
GCC is Daniel Balster Using this time, back when I was startting to
a GCC for linux cross PSX he
was using egcs 1.12 or something like that, and I wanted to compile GCC
2.95 so the patches werent much
help although they gave me a clue, also if you use the patches, I
you just do a --target=sony-psx
on your config script line.

"" wrote:

> Hi all,
> Currently I am trying to make a crosscompiler from linux to
Anybody got some experience?
> Ardjan Dommisse.

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