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Re: [RFC] Symbol meta-information ELF extension

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 2:26 AM Jozef Lawrynowicz
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working with Texas Instruments to develop an ELF extension which
> allows additional information about symbols ("symbol meta-information") to
> be stored in ELF files, in a section called .symtab_meta.
> The aim of symbol meta-information is to provide a extensible format for
> propagating additional information about symbols from the source code through to
> the link stage.
> I hope I can get some feedback on this proposal, and its current implementation,
> from the upstream community so I can make any adjustments required for the
> eventual upstreaming of this feature.

Have you looked at Solaris syminfo section

Can you extend it to do what you want?


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