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Re: LD_DEBUG=bindings shows resolution *via* the exe?

* Brian Rossa:

> Most symbols resolve normally, with the exe "looking" and the libraries
> providing. But a small few *appear* to be resolved via the exe itself. For
> example,
> ```
> binding file /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0] to python [0]: normal
> symbol `stderr' [GLIBC_2.17]
> ```
> and
> ```
> binding file /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0] to python [0]: normal
> symbol `__stack_chk_guard' [GLIBC_2.17]
> ```
> I only find this for a handful of symbols, such as: __environ, __progname,
> __progname_full, __stack_chk_guard, optind, stderr, stdin, stdout
> What does this mean?

All those are variables.  It's a side effect of the way copy relocations
work.  You won't see it on all targets.

(Note that this is apparently a glibc question, more appropriate for the
<> list.)


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