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Re: Targetting S12Z

Awesome, good for you. Chances are probably pretty high if you have your
copyright statement in with GNU HQ. :-)

On 7 January 2018 at 20:55, John Darrington <>

> Hello Utility Binners,
> I needed an assembler/disassembler for the NXP (formerly Freescale) S12Z
> but it seems that binutils doesn't target that processor.  It does however
> have
> a MCHC12 and S12X which are vaguely similar.
> The S12Z instruction set has passing resemblence to its ancestors, viz:
> 68HC12, HCS12, HCS12X, but has a 24 bit linear address space and its
> register
> configuration is somewhat different.
> So I started patching the current HEAD ...
> The work is not complete, and undoubtably needs effort to make it fit into
> the binutils coding standards etc.   I am prepared to put in the necessary
> effort to do this.  But first I wanted to :
> 1.  Find out the likelihood of such a patch being accepted into binutils.
> 2.  Make sure that nobody was already working on this, so as to avoid
>     duplicating effort.
> Maybe somebody could advise me on points 1 and 2 above.
> I'm also attaching what I've done so far, in case anyone is interested in
> looking.
> J'
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