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Re: git tag for 2.29.1 release

Hi Richard,

> It looks like the tag is wrong given that the patch resulting from
> git diff binutils-2_29_1
> doesn't apply ontop of the release tarball.  It looks like
> the tag should be at d1a6e7195b9bb0255fa77588985b969ad8aaacf5 instead.

Is this because of the change to bfd/ ?

I was told that that file should not be changed in the repository, only
in the released sources.  I am guessing however that you do not agree.

I am not sure of the best way to proceed from here however.  The 
development flag needs to remain set to false on the git branch but true
in the release tarballs.  Is there any way to achieve this and not cause
problems with later patching ?


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