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Re: A Proposal to Move to Git

> There was a comment on the gdb list about releasing GDB 7.7 before the
> transition, I wonder if it would make sense to release a Binutils 2.24
> as well?  In general, I am in favor of the transition and I don't think
> doing (or not doing) a binutils 2.24 release should be a blocker for the
> move to git, but I wouldn't mind seeing a new release before the
> transition.

I think it should depend on when 2.24 is scheduled to be released.
2.23 was released end of Oct 2012. Tristan, are you planning on
releasing 2.24 around that time as well? And what do you think of
the suggestion to wait for the release? IIRC, you were telling me
that a lot of the process was manual, so perhaps a switch to git
wouldn't impact you as much for producing the release?


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