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Re: [Patch]: xcoff: fix 16 bit relative branches

On Jul 17, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Richard Sandiford wrote:
> So AIX as does put the reloc against the 16-bit field rather than the full
> instruction, which is what I'd naively have expected from a 16-bit rsize.


I now have a patch for this. aix3-aix.o is the binary produced by AIX as,
while aix3.o is produced by gas:

$ ../binutils/objdump -P relocs -dr aix3*.o

aix3-aix.o:     file format aixcoff-rs6000
../binutils/objdump: cannot read strings table length
Relocations for .text (1)
vaddr    sgn mod sz type  symndx symbol
00000002  S      16 RBR   2      c

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <.text>:
   0:	40 82 00 00 	bne     0x0
			2: R_RBR_16	c

aix3.o:     file format aixcoff-rs6000
Relocations for .text (1)
vaddr    sgn mod sz type  symndx symbol
00000002  S      16 RBR   2      c

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <.text>:
   0:	40 82 00 00 	bne     0x0
			2: R_RBR_16	c

There is one regression in gas testsuite I am analyzing,
and I will submit this patch.

Thanks you for your comments and pugnacity !

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