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Re: [MIPS] Add new virtualization instructions

Thanks for doing this.  The patch looks good, but a couple of comments,
one very minor and one more significant:

"Pinski, Andrew" <> writes:
> @@ -18724,6 +18788,8 @@ mips_elf_final_processing (void)
>    /* Same for DSP R2.  */
>    /* We may need to define a new flag for MT ASE, and set this flag when
>       file_ase_mt is true.  */
> +  /* We may need to define a new flag for VIRT ASE, and set this flag when
> +     file_ase_virt is true.  */

Please extend the existing line rather than duplicating it.  E.g.:

    /* We may need to define new flags for the MT and VIRT ASEs, and set
       those flags when their respective file_ase_* variables are true.  */

> +{"dmtgc0",  "t,G",	0x40600300, 0xffe007ff, COD|RD_t|WR_C0|WR_CC,	0,		IVIRT	},
> +{"dmtgc0",  "t,+D",     0x40600300, 0xffe007f8, COD|RD_t|WR_C0|WR_CC,   0,		IVIRT	},
> +{"dmtgc0",  "t,G,H",    0x40600300, 0xffe007f8, COD|RD_t|WR_C0|WR_CC,   0,		IVIRT	},

I'm responding at work so can't access the spec here, but I'm guessing
that these instructions are MIPS64 only.  If so, I think we need an
IVIRT and an IVIRT64, as with DSP.  Looks like there's one more free
INSN_* bit just waiting to be used :-)

With that change, please split the test into two and run using
run_dump_test_arches.  E.g.:

    run_dump_test_arches "virt" [mips_arch_list_matching mips32r2]
    run_dump_test_arches "virt64" [mips_arch_list_matching mips64r2]


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