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Re: Issue Tracker Used? Git migration checklist.

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012, Fred Cooke wrote:

> The message that this message links to seems to have a comprehensive
> list in it, what's still current?

That's a proposal for how things could end up being split, not for how to 
go about moving any one of the components out of the src repository.  
It's not a list of tasks, which would need to detail all the many things 
such as cron jobs, commit hooks (including the bits that update Bugzilla), 
scripts for building releases, documentation of how to check out / build / 
branch / tag / ... things, etc., that would need updating for any VCS 
change - as well as details of the conversion process (exactly what 
directories and files, current or in the Attic, are fed into the final 
conversion, with exactly what mapping of usernames to emails).

Joseph S. Myers

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