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Re: objdump arm cortex

Matthew Gretton-Dann <matthew.gretton-dann <at>> writes:

> Sent to mailing-list as well.
> On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 02:14:25PM +0000, MeKa wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I want to use objdump for a file which is compiled for armv7, but
> > binutils-objdump recognizes only arm architecture till armv5.
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> Can you give an example of it failing please?  I have used objdump
> (targeted at arm-none-eabi and arm-none-linux-gnueabi) successfully for
> ARMv7-A/ARMv7-R/ARMv7-M objects and images.
> Thanks,
> Matt

I have a similar problem, I want to use objdump for a file which is compiled 
for armv7, howerver objdump itself runs on i686. I compiled binutils for arm-
none-eabi target, while arm-none-linux-gnueabi option is not recognized. I 
also tried to add a flag -architecture=armv7. When I try to use objdump, I get 
an error: Can't disassemble for architecture arm. 

I would very appreciate your help. 


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