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Re: help required - ERROR 404: Not Found [binutils]

On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 06:25:33PM +0530, B.karthikeyan wrote:
> Hi im not able to find the binutils-2.21.tar.bz2 file which is required for

The file was replaced with a new version.  A link has been added that
now points at the new file using the old name.  Try again.

> Running
> Resolving, 2001:638:208:ef1b:0:ff:fe00:4
> Connecting to||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found

If this sort of thing happens in future, plug the directory part, ie.
into your browser.  You'll get a listing of all the files in the
directory.  That should give you a clue as to how you should change
your script to pick up the new file.

Alan Modra
Australia Development Lab, IBM

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