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Re: RPATH/RUNPATH issue, equivalent to -headerpad on OSX

On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 01:54:04PM +0100, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> It would be nice if the ELF ld would offer a similar option, 
> e.g. -rpath-length=<size>, and then the RPATH field would have the specified 
> size. This would make it possible to safely modify the RPATH without 
> workarounds.
> Maybe this would even make sense for binary distribution packages, where 
> (maybe) the install location could be selected and then the RPATH inside the 
> binaries of the package could be modified.
> What do you think of that ?

It sounds an interesting idea. Please open a bug report. We can
even add an option to objcopy, --set-rpath=pathname.


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