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unneeded -D_GNU_SOURCE


I have cross-compiled binutils (2.18) in an environment, where though 
glibc headers are used, but _GNU_SOURCE is undefined in features.h 
immediately after it defines _XOPEN_SOURCE/_POSIX_SOURCE and the others 
(the target library does not provide any of the GNU extensions either) and 
found that binutils does not need any of the GNU extensions (meaning those
guarded by __USE_GNU), haven't tracked down which are enough of all those 
defines, but _XOPEN_SOURCE and/or _POSIX_SOURCE could be more appropiate 
to reflect the reality.


Peter S. Mazinger <ps dot m at gmx dot net>           ID: 0xA5F059F2
Key fingerprint = 92A4 31E1 56BC 3D5A 2D08  BB6E C389 975E A5F0 59F2

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