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Re: x86_64: memory issues with gnujava in latest binutils

Am Fri, 6 Jul 2007 08:29:58 +0200
schrieb Andreas Radke <>:

> I'm maintaining the ArchLinux x86_64 port and we have problems since
> we try to upgrade from 2.17 binutils to or
> cvs-snapshots. we also try to patch gcc  to enable the gnu.hashing.
> Everything works fine until we use anything gnujava (from 4.3 trunk)
> related: opening the wizards or just compiling
> OpenOffice immediately eats up all memory. this doesn't happen on
> i686.
> Is this a know issue or how can i help to find out the reason for it?
> Andreas Radke

i could track down when this memory issue was introduced: last working
version is from version .7 on the memory runs out.

any idea what was changed in that release and what the reason could be?

guess i should file a bugreport.


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