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Re: patch: Updated II windres tool Part 1 of 2

Nick Clifton <> wrote on 23.05.2007 09:20:44:

> Hi Kai,
> >>>>    <  0070 5300a200 ffff0000 63006c00 61007300  S.......c.l.a.s.
> >>>>    >  0070 5300a200 ffffffff 43004c00 41005300  S.......C.L.A.S.
>                               ^^^^
> > AFAIK does windows expects that the class name is an upper-case 
> > Therefore I suggest to adjust the test-case for that, because I 
> > the class as an id and not as a simple string resource
> OK, but what about those 4 bytes that are either 0x0 or 0xf ?  Not being 

> an expert on the binary resource format, I do not know their 
> significance.  Can you tell me ?

This is reasoned by an error in prior implementation. This is content of 
the control data structure which has the following layout:
        DWORD lStyle;
        DWORD lExtendedStyle;
        WORD x, y, cx, cy;
        WORD wId;
        (name or ordinal) class_id;
        (name or ordinal) text_id;
        DWORD nExtraStuff;

The wId is getting -1 as id specified from rc file (the second parameter 
of the CONTROL statement). 

 i.A. Kai Tietz

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