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m68k --register-prefix-optional and labels like registers


The following scenario is run for a m68k-linux target (using ELF).

$ cat foo.s
        clr.w sp.0

Note that "sp.0" is just a label with an embedded dot.
However, the first part "sp" has the same name as the stack pointer register.

$ as foo.s -o foo.o
$ objdump -d foo.o

foo.o: file format elf32-m68k

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <.text>:
   0:   4279 0000 0000  clrw 0x0

$ objdump -r foo.o

foo.o: file format elf32-m68k

OFFSET   TYPE              VALUE
00000002 R_68K_32          sp.0

Ok, the label is treated as an external symbol.

$ as foo.s -o foo.o --register-prefix-optional
foo.s: Assembler messages:
foo.s:1: Error: syntax error -- statement `clr.w sp.0' ignored

Now the label name conflicts with the register sp.

This is a problem because :
1) The default value of flag_reg_prefix_optional is 1, except when M68KCOFF or OBJ_ELF are defined (see REGISTER_PREFIX_OPTIONAL in gas/config/tc-m68k.h).
2) gcc generates labels like this

Do you think gas should accept labels like this, even with --register-prefix-optional ?

Do you think gcc should avoid to generate labels like this ?

Why is the default value of the option --register-prefix-optional is not the same for all m68k targets ?


Vincent Rivière

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