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Re: How to config GAS to generate 'clean' objects?

Hi Clainst,

  1 .data         00000000  00000000  00000000  00000038  2**2
  2 .bss          00000000  00000000  00000000  00000038  2**2

Although the 'unwanted' sections have the zero size, they do occupy a lot
of room. I just wonder if there is a way to change this default

Not without modifying the sources of the assembler no. But of course you do have access to these sources so you can always do this.

My next question is:
How to make GAS generate plain binary file like other assemblers such as
nasm or fasm.

They do ? This seems odd to me. What use is a plain binary file ? You cannot link it with other files, it has lost too much information. I can understand your wanting the linker to generate a plain binary file rather than say an ELF or PE format executable, but I do not understand why you want the assembler to produce plain binary object files.

Currently I have to generate object file first, and then
use objcopy to fetch the code binary out, which is not that convenient.

Sorry - this is the way that these tools are designed to work. You can always automate the process of assembling and then converting into the binary format though - a simple script or makefile will do this for you.


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