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[PATCH] Prevent ld segementation fault

vfinfo (ldmisc.c) assumes that for %B a valid bfd handle is passed as parameter.
If the bfd handle is NULL, it will segfault.
reloc_overflow (ldmain.c) passes the content of entry->u.def.section->owner
to vfinfo to be printed with %B. If the entry is in the absolute section *ABS*,
it has no associated bfd. Therefore ld will produce an segmentation fault.

Can something like the following patch be applied to the CVS?
(All it does, is to print a default value, if abfd is NULL).
Or is there a better solution to fix this problem?

Index: ldmisc.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/ld/ldmisc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.20 ldmisc.c
--- ldmisc.c	13 Aug 2004 03:16:01 -0000	1.20
+++ ldmisc.c	16 Dec 2004 10:21:46 -0000
@@ -188,7 +188,9 @@
 	      /* filename from a bfd */
 		bfd *abfd = va_arg (arg, bfd *);
-		if (abfd->my_archive)
+		if (abfd == NULL)
+		  fprintf (fp, "<none>");
+		else if (abfd->my_archive)
 		  fprintf (fp, "%s(%s)", abfd->my_archive->filename,

mfg Martin Kögler

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