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Re: Failure with include on Sun, Solaris2.9 with G++

Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng <> writes:

> Havng got past my dejagnu problem I have run into this with my
> binutils build from cvs.
> g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../../src/sid/component/lcd -I.. -I. -I../../include -I../../../../src/sid/component/lcd/../../include -g -O2 -Wp,-MD,.deps/lcd-char-display.pp -c  -fPIC -DPIC ../../../../src/sid/component/lcd/lcd-char-display.cxx -o .libs/lcd-char-display.lo

Hmmm.  sid is not part of the binutils.  I don't know who maintains
it.  Whoever it is, complain to them, not us.

To just build the binutils, I think you can 'cvs co binutils'.  Or
just rm -rf sid in your source directory, and run configure again.


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