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Question on PowerPC relocation error


We are getting this error from a couple of lines in the RTEMS PowerPC
exception vector code:

.../ld: ../../../../../mvme2307/lib/librtemsbsp.a(vectors.rel): the target (globalExceptHdl) of a R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 relocation is in the wrong output section (.bss)

The assembly code in question is:

   addis   r4, 0, globalExceptHdl@ha
   lwz     r5, globalExceptHdl@l(r4)

where globalExceptHdl is declared in C as

typedef void (*exception_handler_t) (BSP_Exception_frame* excPtr);
exception_handler_t globalExceptHdl;

I tried looking at the assembly output of comparable C and the same code in other board support
packages but I can't spot any differences. What does this error mean and what am I looking for
as a mistake?



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