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Newbie Question

I am now compiling the latest release of GCC (3.1) on my Redhat 6.2 box
with kernel 2.2.14-5.0 and glibc-2.1.  My current version of binutils is

the one that came with the distro, namely binutils-  I was
wondering, in light of my upgrading GCC, if I should also upgrade
binutils to 2.12?  And, if so, should I install the new binutils before
after installing gcc-3.1?  Are there any issues related to whether
needs to be compiled with the compiler currently being used and vice

The reason I ask this is that I note that in the upgrade instructions
for glibc-2.2
it says that one should first make and install the new compiler, then
use the new
compiler to make and install the new glibc, and then go back and remake
and install
the compiler with the new glibc.


Jeff Stephens

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