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Re: objcopy / binary inclusion weirdness (repost)

On Wednesday 27 February 2002 8:33 am, Nick Clifton wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> > objcopy -I binary -O elf32-arm sprite sprite.o
> > gcc -o test.elf test.c
> > objcopy -O binary test.elf test.gba
> I assume that you are including sprite.o on that gcc command line as
> well ?

Oh, umm, yes.  Thanks for the explanations!  It's confusing that you're 
always given the impression that char* == char[] types in C, but it's not 
entirely accurate in this case.

> > Can somebody tell me whether I should be passing different arguments
> > to objcopy to get it to generate binaries that can be referenced
> > sensibly from C,
> Sorry - objcopy does not have any way to change the construction of
> these symbols.

Okay so if I want a proper externally referencable int I should convert my 
binaries to C / ASM and compile them into object files that way?  Fair enough.

thanks again,

Matthew       >
              > ICQ 19482073

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