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Anyone working on TriMedia TM-1300 port? Or wants to? :)

Hello, everyone! 

First of all, I'm sorry to cross-post to three different lists
(binutils, gcc and ecos), I just hope to get in touch with as many
interested parties as possible at once.

I wonder if anyone have contemplated or actually working on a port of
GNU development tools (or maybe even eCos :) ) to TriMedia/Philips
TM-1300 and previous processors. These seem to be nice beasts allowing
one to run DSP-type operations pretty efficiently and having
integrated audio and video I/O ports, image processing and DVD
descrambler as well as all general-purpose hardware you would expect
including IEEE floating point and 128 general-purpose registers.

We are thinking of building a (relatively cheap) audio/video
processing board with one of those, but development tools for that
available from Philips are a) proprietary b) expensive and c) not
available for Linux at all (though they ported them to Solaris, HP-UX
and Macs).

If noone is working on that now, I hope to get at least some input on
your estimate of how hard such a port can be. The processor itself is
pretty basic, except for its five-issue VLIW. I would expect that
people are working on porting the tools to a VLIW target now (after
Merced was released :)), is it right? 


Paul Bunyk

  ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._   UNIX *is* user-friendly, he is just very 
   `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`) picky about who his friends are...
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'      Paul Bunyk, Research Scientist
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'art by           (and part-time UN*X sysadm)
(il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' F. Lee

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