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Re: Demangler update?

"Martin v. Loewis" wrote:

> >> Compaq C++ depends on this patch.
> Putting my Free Software hat on, I think this is not a good idea at
> all. Why couldn't binutils support the Compaq C++ mangling directly,
> just as it understands the HP aCC mangling?
> To me, this sounds like Compaq does not want to share the algorithm
> for demangling. Why should binutils support their C++ compiler, then?
> Having a better selection of the demangling algorithm to chose, and
> perhaps allowing simpler integration of other algorithms (on a source
> code) level is a different matter - I'm all for it.
> Regards,
> Martin

Compaq is more than happy to share our demangler algorithms. It is my
belief that the code is very complicated and not particularly well written
or robust and it would not serve anybody's interest to have it added to
libibierty. I suspect that even if we did open source it, the maintainers
would reject it. Furthermore, there is a work in progress to try and
develop an object model that will allow Compaq C++ and G++ to be
link compatible. When this is achieved, our demangler goes into the

I've talked to my manangement and they have agreed to let me
publish our sources under the understanding that we still are
retaining the copyright and they cannot be redistributed. Look at
the code, if the maintainers of libiberty like the code and want to
incorrporate it into libiberty, then I will begin the process to get
the sources released.

This process will require getting a VP, the legal department, and
twhichever is harder Griffen in accounting or the mythical beast
to sign off, but I will do it, if that is what it will take to get support
Compaq C++ in binutils.

The sources are now available and for the next 48 hours at:

After 48 hours, it will be available at

We can address the architectual/implement objections seperately
from the philosophical ones.
org:CTG C/C++ Compiler
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