Since striped name function knows when to report 'linear' instead of
'stripe' type name - drop it from this place.
This fixes problem when reporting segtype e.g. for thin-pool which
is also using area_count=1 to store thin data device reference.
It also returns properly strduped memory instead of badly casted const char*.
Version 2.02.89 -
+ Do not report linear segtype for non-striped targets.
Keep info about creation host and time for each logical volume.
Make error message hit when preallocated memlock memory exceeded clearer.
Use R lv_attr to indicate read-only activation of non-read-only device in lvs.
char *lvseg_segtype_dup(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct lv_segment *seg)
- if (seg->area_count == 1) {
- return (char *)"linear";
- }
return dm_pool_strdup(mem, seg->segtype->ops->name(seg));