-#define DRI(name,num,width) dwarf_regs[name]=make_pair(num,width)
struct sdt_uprobe_var_expanding_visitor: public var_expanding_visitor
- enum {QI, QIh, HI, SI, DI} regwidths;
+ enum regwidths {QI, QIh, HI, SI, DI};
sdt_uprobe_var_expanding_visitor(systemtap_session& s,
int elf_machine,
const string & process_name,
/* Register name mapping table depends on the elf machine of this particular
probe target process/file, not upon the host. So we can't just
#ifdef _i686_ etc. */
+#define DRI(name,num,width) dwarf_regs[name]=make_pair(num,width)
if (elf_machine == EM_X86_64) {
DRI ("%rax", 0, DI); DRI ("%eax", 0, SI); DRI ("%ax", 0, HI);
DRI ("%al", 0, QI); DRI ("%ah", 0, QIh);
} else if (arg_count) {
/* permit this case; just fall back to dwarf */
+#undef DRI
need_debug_info = false;
tokenize(arg_string, arg_tokens, " ");