} else {
fail "$test: no common tracepoints found by perf and systemtap"
+# Now test the first tracepoint in each group, to make sure compile
+# requirements for each group is sufficient in itself.
+# First, we'll populate the cache directory with the result of
+# building the entire tracepoint query module.
+catch { exec stap -l {kernel.trace("*")} }
+# Now test each group individually.
+set last_group ""
+set script_template {"probe kernel.trace(\"%s\") { exit() }"}
+foreach stp $stap_tracepoints {
+ regexp {^([^:]+):([^:]+)$} $stp dummy group tracepoint
+ if {$last_group == $group} { continue }
+ set last_group $group
+ set script [format $script_template "${group}:${tracepoint}"]
+ stap_compile "$test: group '$group' solo" 1 $script