# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-AC_INIT([debugedit], [0.1], [debugedit@sourceware.org])
+AC_INIT([debugedit], [0.2], [debugedit@sourceware.org])
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Must be run in the source directory.
+# Should have passed make distcheck.
+# And all final changes should already have been pushed.
+# Backup copy will be created in $HOME/debugedit-$VERSION
+# Any error is fatal
+set -e
+# We take one arguent, the version (e.g. 0.2)
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "$0 <version> (e.g. 0.2)"
+ exit 1
+echo Make sure the git repo is tagged, signed and pushed
+echo git tag -s -m \"debugedit $VERSION release\" debugedit-$VERSION
+echo git push --tags
+# Create a temporary directory and make sure it is cleaned up.
+tempdir=$(mktemp -d) || exit
+trap "rm -rf -- ${tempdir}" EXIT
+pushd "${tempdir}"
+# Checkout
+git clone git://sourceware.org/git/debugedit.git
+cd debugedit
+git tag --verify "debugedit-${VERSION}"
+git checkout -b "$VERSION" "debugedit-${VERSION}"
+# Create dist
+autoreconf -v -f -i
+make -j$(nproc) && make distcheck
+# Sign
+mkdir $VERSION
+cp debugedit-$VERSION.tar.bz2 $VERSION/
+gpg -b debugedit-$VERSION.tar.bz2
+cd ..
+# Backup copy
+cp -r $VERSION $HOME/debugedit-$VERSION
+# Upload
+scp -r $VERSION sourceware.org:/sourceware/ftp/pub/debugedit/
+ssh sourceware.org "(cd /sourceware/ftp/pub/debugedit \
+ && chmod go+rx $VERSION \
+ && chmod go+r $VERSION/debugedit-$VERSION.tar.bz2* \
+ && ln -sf $VERSION/debugedit-$VERSION.tar.bz2 \
+ debugedit-latest.tar.bz2 \
+ && ln -sf $VERSION/debugedit-$VERSION.tar.bz2.sig \
+ debugedit-latest.tar.bz2.sig \
+ && ls -lah debugedit-latest*)"
+# Cleanup
+trap - EXIT