+lvm2 (1.95.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Remove undocumented manpage symlinks.
+ * Update description to be more informative. (Closes: #173499)
+ * Add kernel-patch-device-mapper suggestion.
+ * Update standards version.
+ -- Andres Salomon <dilinger@mp3revolution.net> Sun, 16 Feb 2002 04:21:26 -0400
lvm2 (1.95.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (Closes: #171436)
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Andres Salomon <dilinger@mp3revolution.net>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), libdevmapper-dev (>= 0.96.04), libreadline4-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.5.2
Package: lvm2
Architecture: any
Conflicts: lvm10, lvm-common
Replaces: lvm10, lvm-common
Provides: lvm-binaries
-Suggests: dmsetup
+Suggests: dmsetup, kernel-patch-device-mapper
Description: The Linux Logical Volume Manager
This is LVM2, the rewrite of The Linux Logical Volume Manager. LVM
supports enterprise level volume management of disk and disk subsystems
by grouping arbitrary disks into volume groups. The total capacity of
volume groups can be allocated to logical volumes, which are accessed as
regular block devices.
+ .
+ LVM2 is currently stable, but has some unimplemented features (most notably,
+ pvmove and e2fsadm). It is not yet recommended for production use. It is
+ backwards-compatible with LVM1 (lvm10), and requires Linux kernel 2.4.