# endif
+#define BF16_SIGN_MASK 0x8000
+#define BF16_EXP_MASK 0x7F80
+#define BF16_FRAC_MASK 0x007F
+#define BF16_BIAS 127
+#define BF16_MAX_UNBIASED_EXP 127
+#define BF16_MIN_UNBIASED_EXP -126
+#define FLOAT_SIGN_MASK 0x80000000
+#define FLOAT_EXP_MASK 0x7F800000
+#define FLOAT_FRAC_BIT8 0x00008000
+#define FLOAT_BIAS 127
+static Float conv_bf16_to_float( UInt input )
+ /* input is 16-bit bfloat.
+ bias +127, exponent 8-bits, fraction 7-bits
+ output is 32-bit float.
+ bias +127, exponent 8-bits, fraction 22-bits
+ */
+ UInt input_exp, input_fraction, unbiased_exp;
+ UInt output_exp, output_fraction;
+ UInt sign;
+ union convert_t conv;
+ sign = (UInt)(input & BF16_SIGN_MASK);
+ input_exp = input & BF16_EXP_MASK;
+ unbiased_exp = (input_exp >> 7) - (UInt)BF16_BIAS;
+ input_fraction = input & BF16_FRAC_MASK;
+ if (((input_exp & BF16_EXP_MASK) == BF16_EXP_MASK) &&
+ (input_fraction != 0)) {
+ /* input is NaN or SNaN, exp all 1's, fraction != 0 */
+ output_exp = FLOAT_EXP_MASK;
+ output_fraction = input_fraction;
+ } else if(((input_exp & BF16_EXP_MASK) == BF16_EXP_MASK) &&
+ ( input_fraction == 0)) {
+ /* input is infinity, exp all 1's, fraction = 0 */
+ output_exp = FLOAT_EXP_MASK;
+ output_fraction = 0;
+ } else if((input_exp == 0) && (input_fraction == 0)) {
+ /* input is zero */
+ output_exp = 0;
+ output_fraction = 0;
+ } else if((input_exp == 0) && (input_fraction != 0)) {
+ /* input is denormal */
+ output_fraction = input_fraction;
+ output_exp = (-(Int)BF16_BIAS + (Int)FLOAT_BIAS ) << 23;
+ } else {
+ /* result is normal */
+ output_exp = (unbiased_exp + FLOAT_BIAS) << 23;
+ output_fraction = input_fraction;
+ }
+ conv.u32 = sign << (31 - 15) | output_exp | (output_fraction << (23-7));
+ return conv.f;
+static UInt conv_float_to_bf16( UInt input )
+ /* input is 32-bit float stored as unsigned 32-bit.
+ bias +127, exponent 8-bits, fraction 23-bits
+ output is 16-bit bfloat.
+ bias +127, exponent 8-bits, fraction 7-bits
+ If the unbiased exponent of the input is greater than the max floating
+ point unbiased exponent value, the result of the floating point 16-bit
+ value is infinity.
+ */
+ UInt input_exp, input_fraction;
+ UInt output_exp, output_fraction;
+ UInt result, sign;
+ sign = input & FLOAT_SIGN_MASK;
+ input_exp = input & FLOAT_EXP_MASK;
+ input_fraction = input & FLOAT_FRAC_MASK;
+ if (((input_exp & FLOAT_EXP_MASK) == FLOAT_EXP_MASK) &&
+ (input_fraction != 0)) {
+ /* input is NaN or SNaN, exp all 1's, fraction != 0 */
+ output_exp = BF16_EXP_MASK;
+ output_fraction = (ULong)input_fraction >> (23 - 7);
+ } else if (((input_exp & FLOAT_EXP_MASK) == FLOAT_EXP_MASK) &&
+ ( input_fraction == 0)) {
+ /* input is infinity, exp all 1's, fraction = 0 */
+ output_exp = BF16_EXP_MASK;
+ output_fraction = 0;
+ } else if ((input_exp == 0) && (input_fraction == 0)) {
+ /* input is zero */
+ output_exp = 0;
+ output_fraction = 0;
+ } else if ((input_exp == 0) && (input_fraction != 0)) {
+ /* input is denormal */
+ output_exp = 0;
+ output_fraction = (ULong)input_fraction >> (23 - 7);
+ } else {
+ /* result is normal */
+ output_exp = (input_exp - BF16_BIAS + FLOAT_BIAS) >> (23 - 7);
+ output_fraction = (ULong)input_fraction >> (23 - 7);
+ /* Round result. Look at the 8th bit position of the 32-bit floating
+ pointt fraction. The F16 fraction is only 7 bits wide so if the 8th
+ bit of the F32 is a 1 we need to round up by adding 1 to the output
+ fraction. */
+ if ((input_fraction & FLOAT_FRAC_BIT8) == FLOAT_FRAC_BIT8)
+ /* Round the F16 fraction up by 1 */
+ output_fraction = output_fraction + 1;
+ }
+ result = sign >> (31 - 15) | output_exp | output_fraction;
+ return result;
static Float conv_double_to_float( Double src )
return -input;
+/* This C-helper takes a vector of two 32-bit floating point values
+ * and returns a vector containing two 16-bit bfloats.
+ input: word0 word1
+ output 0x0 hword1 0x0 hword3
+ Called from generated code.
+ */
+ULong convert_from_floattobf16_helper( ULong src ) {
+ ULong resultHi, resultLo;
+ resultHi = (ULong)conv_float_to_bf16( (UInt)(src >> 32));
+ resultLo = (ULong)conv_float_to_bf16( (UInt)(src & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ return (resultHi << 32) | resultLo;
+/* This C-helper takes a vector of two 16-bit bfloating point values
+ * and returns a vector containing one 32-bit float.
+ input: 0x0 hword1 0x0 hword3
+ output: word0 word1
+ */
+ULong convert_from_bf16tofloat_helper( ULong src ) {
+ ULong result;
+ union convert_t conv;
+ conv.f = conv_bf16_to_float( (UInt)(src >> 32) );
+ result = (ULong) conv.u32;
+ conv.f = conv_bf16_to_float( (UInt)(src & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ result = (result << 32) | (ULong) conv.u32;
+ return result;
+ }
void vsx_matrix_16bit_float_ger_dirty_helper( VexGuestPPC64State* gst,
UInt offset_ACC,
ULong srcA_hi, ULong srcA_lo,
srcB_word[0][j] = (UInt)((srcB_lo >> (16-16*j)) & mask);
+ /* Note the isa is not consistent in the src naming. Will use the
+ naming src10, src11, src20, src21 used with xvf16ger2 instructions.
+ */
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (((pmsk >> 1) & 0x1) == 0) {
src10 = 0;
src20 = 0;
} else {
- src10 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcA_word[i][0]);
- src20 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcB_word[j][0]);
+ if (( inst == XVF16GER2 ) || ( inst == XVF16GER2PP )
+ || ( inst == XVF16GER2PN ) || ( inst == XVF16GER2NP )
+ || ( inst == XVF16GER2NN )) {
+ src10 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcA_word[i][0]);
+ src20 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcB_word[j][0]);
+ } else {
+ /* Input is in bfloat format, result is stored in the
+ "traditional" 64-bit float format. */
+ src10 = (double)conv_bf16_to_float((ULong)srcA_word[i][0]);
+ src20 = (double)conv_bf16_to_float((ULong)srcB_word[j][0]);
+ }
if ((pmsk & 0x1) == 0) {
src11 = 0;
src21 = 0;
} else {
- src11 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcA_word[i][1]);
- src21 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcB_word[j][1]);
+ if (( inst == XVF16GER2 ) || ( inst == XVF16GER2PP )
+ || ( inst == XVF16GER2PN ) || ( inst == XVF16GER2NP )
+ || ( inst == XVF16GER2NN )) {
+ src11 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcA_word[i][1]);
+ src21 = conv_f16_to_double((ULong)srcB_word[j][1]);
+ } else {
+ /* Input is in bfloat format, result is stored in the
+ "traditional" 64-bit float format. */
+ src11 = (double)conv_bf16_to_float((ULong)srcA_word[i][1]);
+ src21 = (double)conv_bf16_to_float((ULong)srcB_word[j][1]);
+ }
prod = src10 * src20;
msum = prod + src11 * src21;
/* Note, we do not track the exception handling bits
ox, ux, xx, si, mz, vxsnan and vximz in the FPSCR. */
- if ( inst == XVF16GER2 )
+ if (( inst == XVF16GER2 ) || ( inst == XVBF16GER2 ) )
result[j] = reinterpret_float_as_int(
conv_double_to_float(msum) );
- else if ( inst == XVF16GER2PP )
+ else if (( inst == XVF16GER2PP ) || (inst == XVBF16GER2PP ))
result[j] = reinterpret_float_as_int(
+ acc_word[j] );
- else if ( inst == XVF16GER2PN )
+ else if (( inst == XVF16GER2PN ) || ( inst == XVBF16GER2PN ))
result[j] = reinterpret_float_as_int(
+ negate_float( acc_word[j] ) );
- else if ( inst == XVF16GER2NP )
+ else if (( inst == XVF16GER2NP ) || ( inst == XVBF16GER2NP ))
result[j] = reinterpret_float_as_int(
conv_double_to_float( negate_double( msum ) )
+ acc_word[j] );
- else if ( inst == XVF16GER2NN )
+ else if (( inst == XVF16GER2NN ) || ( inst == XVBF16GER2NN ))
result[j] = reinterpret_float_as_int(
conv_double_to_float( negate_double( msum ) )
+ negate_float( acc_word[j] ) );
return mkexpr( result );
+static IRExpr * vector_convert_floattobf16 ( const VexAbiInfo* vbi,
+ IRExpr *src ) {
+ /* The function takes 128-bit value containing four 32-bit floats and
+ returns a 128-bit value containint four 16-bit bfloats in the lower
+ halfwords. */
+ IRTemp resultHi = newTemp( Ity_I64);
+ IRTemp resultLo = newTemp( Ity_I64);
+ assign( resultHi,
+ mkIRExprCCall( Ity_I64, 0 /*regparms*/,
+ "vector_convert_floattobf16_helper",
+ fnptr_to_fnentry( vbi,
+ &convert_from_floattobf16_helper ),
+ mkIRExprVec_1( unop( Iop_V128HIto64, src ) ) ) );
+ assign( resultLo,
+ mkIRExprCCall( Ity_I64, 0 /*regparms*/,
+ "vector_convert_floattobf16_helper",
+ fnptr_to_fnentry( vbi,
+ &convert_from_floattobf16_helper ),
+ mkIRExprVec_1( unop( Iop_V128to64, src ) ) ) );
+ return binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr( resultHi ), mkexpr( resultLo ) );
+static IRExpr * vector_convert_bf16tofloat ( const VexAbiInfo* vbi,
+ IRExpr *src ) {
+ /* The function takes 128-bit value containing four 16-bit bfloats in
+ the lower halfwords and returns a 128-bit value containint four
+ 32-bit floats. */
+ IRTemp resultHi = newTemp( Ity_I64);
+ IRTemp resultLo = newTemp( Ity_I64);
+ assign( resultHi,
+ mkIRExprCCall( Ity_I64, 0 /*regparms*/,
+ "vector_convert_bf16tofloat_helper",
+ fnptr_to_fnentry( vbi,
+ &convert_from_bf16tofloat_helper ),
+ mkIRExprVec_1( unop( Iop_V128HIto64, src ) ) ) );
+ assign( resultLo,
+ mkIRExprCCall( Ity_I64, 0 /*regparms*/,
+ "vector_convert_bf16tofloat_helper",
+ fnptr_to_fnentry( vbi,
+ &convert_from_bf16tofloat_helper ),
+ mkIRExprVec_1( unop( Iop_V128to64, src ) ) ) );
+ return binop( Iop_64HLtoV128, mkexpr( resultHi ), mkexpr( resultLo ) );
static IRExpr * popcnt64 ( const VexAbiInfo* vbi,
IRExpr *src ){
/* The function takes a 64-bit source and counts the number of bits in the
case XVI16GER2:
case XVI16GER2S:
case XVF16GER2:
+ case XVBF16GER2:
case XVF32GER:
AT_fx = Ifx_Write;
case XVI8GER4PP:
case XVI16GER2PP:
case XVI16GER2SPP:
+ case XVBF16GER2PP:
+ case XVBF16GER2PN:
+ case XVBF16GER2NP:
+ case XVBF16GER2NN:
case XVF16GER2PP:
case XVF16GER2PN:
case XVF16GER2NP:
mkexpr( sub_element1 ),
mkexpr( sub_element0 ) ) ) );
+ } else if ((inst_select == 16) && !prefix) {
+ IRTemp result = newTemp(Ity_V128);
+ UChar xT_addr = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
+ UChar xB_addr = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
+ /* Convert 16-bit bfloat to 32-bit float, not a prefix inst */
+ DIP("xvcvbf16sp v%u,v%u\n", xT_addr, xB_addr);
+ assign( result, vector_convert_bf16tofloat( vbi, mkexpr( vB ) ) );
+ putVSReg( XT, mkexpr( result) );
+ } else if ((inst_select == 17) && !prefix) {
+ IRTemp result = newTemp(Ity_V128);
+ UChar xT_addr = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
+ UChar xB_addr = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
+ /* Convert 32-bit float to 16-bit bfloat, not a prefix inst */
+ DIP("xvcvspbf16 v%u,v%u\n", xT_addr, xB_addr);
+ assign( result, vector_convert_floattobf16( vbi, mkexpr( vB ) ) );
+ putVSReg( XT, mkexpr( result) );
} else if (inst_select == 23) {
DIP("xxbrd v%u, v%u\n", (UInt)XT, (UInt)XB);
getVSReg( rB_addr ), AT,
( ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ case XVBF16GER2:
+ DIP("xvbf16ger2 %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ), AT,
+ ( ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2PP:
+ DIP("xvbf16ger2pp %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ), AT,
+ ( ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2PN:
+ DIP("xvbf16ger2pn %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ), AT,
+ ( ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2NP:
+ DIP("xvbf16ger2np %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ), AT,
+ ( ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2NN:
+ DIP("xvbf16ger2nn %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ), AT,
+ ( ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
case XVF32GER:
DIP("xvf32ger %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_32BIT_FLOAT_GER,
( (MASKS << 9 ) | ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ case XVBF16GER2:
+ PMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 14, 2);
+ XMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 4, 4);
+ YMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 0, 4);
+ DIP("pmxvbf16ger2 %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ),
+ AT, ( (MASKS << 9 )
+ | ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2PP:
+ PMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 14, 2);
+ XMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 4, 4);
+ YMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 0, 4);
+ DIP("pmxvbf16ger2pp %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ),
+ AT, ( (MASKS << 9 )
+ | ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2PN:
+ PMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 14, 2);
+ XMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 4, 4);
+ YMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 0, 4);
+ DIP("pmxvbf16ger2pn %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ),
+ AT, ( (MASKS << 9 )
+ | ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2NP:
+ PMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 14, 2);
+ XMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 4, 4);
+ YMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 0, 4);
+ DIP("pmxvbf16ger2np %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ),
+ AT, ( (MASKS << 9 )
+ | ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
+ case XVBF16GER2NN:
+ PMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 14, 2);
+ XMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 4, 4);
+ YMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 0, 4);
+ DIP("pmxvbf16ger2nn %u,r%u, r%u\n", AT, rA_addr, rB_addr);
+ vsx_matrix_ger( vbi, MATRIX_16BIT_FLOAT_GER,
+ getVSReg( rA_addr ),
+ getVSReg( rB_addr ),
+ AT, ( (MASKS << 9 )
+ | ( inst_prefix << 8 ) | XO ) );
+ break;
case XVF16GER2:
PMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 14, 2);
XMSK = IFIELD( prefix, 4, 4);
(opc2 == XVI4GER8PP) || // xvi4ger8pp
(opc2 == XVI8GER4) || // xvi8ger4
(opc2 == XVI8GER4PP) || // xvi8ger4pp
+ (opc2 == XVBF16GER2) || // xvbf16ger2
+ (opc2 == XVBF16GER2PP) || // xvbf16ger2pp
+ (opc2 == XVBF16GER2PN) || // xvbf16ger2pn
+ (opc2 == XVBF16GER2NP) || // xvbf16ger2np
+ (opc2 == XVBF16GER2NN) || // xvbf16ger2nn
(opc2 == XVF16GER2) || // xvf16ger2
(opc2 == XVF16GER2PP) || // xvf16ger2pp
(opc2 == XVF16GER2PN) || // xvf16ger2pn