proc dyninst_kfails {test} {
global plt_probes_p
+ global effective_uid
# Use setup_kfail <pr number> <target triplet> for known bugs.
# (Note that tcl doesn't like comments directly inside the switch
# close enough for our purposes.
if {!$plt_probes_p} { setup_kfail PLT *-*-* }
+ semok/utrace14.stp {
+ # Use setup_kfail ROOT_ONLY for tests that must be run as
+ # root.
+ #
+ # In the case of utrace14.stp, it probes pid 1, which only
+ # root can do.
+ if {$effective_uid != 0} { setup_kfail ROOT_ONLY *-*-* }
+ }
set uprobes_p [uprobes_p]
set utrace_p [utrace_p]
set plt_probes_p [plt_probes_p]
+set effective_uid [exec /usr/bin/id -u]
foreach runtime [get_runtime_list] {
foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$self/*.stp]] {
set test $self/[file tail $file]
semok/autocast14.stp {
setup_kfail 18079 *-*-* }
+ semok/utrace14.stp {
+ # Use setup_kfail ROOT_ONLY for tests that must be run as
+ # root.
+ #
+ # In the case of utrace14.stp, it probes pid 1, which only
+ # root can do.
+ if {$effective_uid != 0} { setup_kfail ROOT_ONLY *-*-* } }
verbose -log "Running $file"
set rc [stap_run_batch $file]