]> sourceware.org Git - systemtap.git/blob - staptree.h
PR11528: pass function args as char * where possible
[systemtap.git] / staptree.h
1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Red Hat Inc.
3 // Copyright (C) 2006 Intel Corporation.
4 //
5 // This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can
6 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
7 // Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
8 // later version.
10 #ifndef STAPTREE_H
11 #define STAPTREE_H
13 #include <map>
14 #include <stack>
15 #include <set>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <vector>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <stdexcept>
20 #include <cassert>
21 #include <typeinfo>
22 extern "C" {
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 }
26 #include "util.h"
28 #if defined(HAVE_TR1_MEMORY)
29 #include <tr1/memory>
30 using std::tr1::shared_ptr;
31 #elif defined(HAVE_BOOST_SHARED_PTR_HPP)
32 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
33 using boost::shared_ptr;
34 #else
35 #error "No shared_ptr implementation found; get boost or modern g++"
36 #endif
38 struct token; // parse.h
39 struct systemtap_session; // session.h
41 struct semantic_error: public std::runtime_error
42 {
43 const token* tok1;
44 const token* tok2;
45 std::string errsrc;
47 // Extra details to explain the error or provide alternatives to the user.
48 // Each one printed after the main error message and tokens aligned on
49 // separate lines. Just push_back anything you want that better explains
50 // the error to the user (not meant for extra verbose developer messages).
51 std::vector<std::string> details;
53 ~semantic_error () throw ()
54 {
55 if (chain)
56 delete chain;
57 }
59 semantic_error (const std::string& src, const std::string& msg, const token* t1=0):
60 runtime_error (msg), tok1 (t1), tok2 (0), errsrc (src), chain (0) {}
62 semantic_error (const std::string& src, const std::string& msg, const token* t1,
63 const token* t2, const semantic_error* chn=0):
64 runtime_error (msg), tok1 (t1), tok2 (t2), errsrc (src), chain (0)
65 {
66 if (chn)
67 set_chain(*chn);
68 }
70 /* override copy-ctor to deep-copy chain */
71 semantic_error (const semantic_error& other):
72 runtime_error(other), tok1(other.tok1), tok2(other.tok2),
73 errsrc(other.errsrc), details(other.details), chain (0)
74 {
75 if (other.chain)
76 set_chain(*other.chain);
77 }
79 std::string errsrc_chain(void) const
80 {
81 return errsrc + (chain ? "|" + chain->errsrc_chain() : "");
82 }
84 void set_chain(const semantic_error& new_chain)
85 {
86 if (chain)
87 delete chain;
88 chain = new semantic_error(new_chain);
89 }
91 const semantic_error* get_chain(void) const
92 {
93 return chain;
94 }
96 private:
97 const semantic_error* chain;
98 };
100 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 /* struct statistic_decl moved to session.h */
104 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 enum exp_type
107 {
108 pe_unknown,
109 pe_long, // int64_t
110 pe_string, // std::string
111 pe_stats
112 };
114 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const exp_type& e);
116 struct functioncall;
117 struct autocast_op;
118 struct exp_type_details
119 {
120 virtual ~exp_type_details () {};
122 // A process-wide unique identifier; probably a pointer.
123 virtual uintptr_t id () const = 0;
124 bool operator==(const exp_type_details& other) const
125 { return id () == other.id (); }
126 bool operator!=(const exp_type_details& other) const
127 { return !(*this == other); }
129 // Expand this autocast_op into a function call
130 virtual bool expandable() const = 0;
131 virtual functioncall *expand(autocast_op* e, bool lvalue) = 0;
132 };
133 typedef shared_ptr<exp_type_details> exp_type_ptr;
136 struct token;
137 struct visitor;
138 struct update_visitor;
140 struct visitable
141 {
142 virtual ~visitable ();
143 };
145 struct symbol;
146 struct expression : public visitable
147 {
148 exp_type type;
149 exp_type_ptr type_details;
150 const token* tok;
151 expression ();
152 virtual ~expression ();
153 virtual void print (std::ostream& o) const = 0;
154 virtual void visit (visitor* u) = 0;
155 virtual bool is_symbol(symbol *& sym_out);
156 };
158 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const expression& k);
161 struct literal: public expression
162 {
163 };
166 struct literal_string: public literal
167 {
168 std::string value;
169 literal_string (const std::string& v);
170 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
171 void visit (visitor* u);
172 };
175 struct literal_number: public literal
176 {
177 int64_t value;
178 bool print_hex;
179 literal_number (int64_t v, bool hex=false);
180 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
181 void visit (visitor* u);
182 };
185 struct embedded_expr: public expression
186 {
187 std::string code;
188 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
189 void visit (visitor* u);
190 };
193 struct binary_expression: public expression
194 {
195 expression* left;
196 std::string op;
197 expression* right;
198 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
199 void visit (visitor* u);
200 };
203 struct unary_expression: public expression
204 {
205 std::string op;
206 expression* operand;
207 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
208 void visit (visitor* u);
209 };
212 struct pre_crement: public unary_expression
213 {
214 void visit (visitor* u);
215 };
218 struct post_crement: public unary_expression
219 {
220 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
221 void visit (visitor* u);
222 };
225 struct logical_or_expr: public binary_expression
226 {
227 void visit (visitor* u);
228 };
231 struct logical_and_expr: public binary_expression
232 {
233 void visit (visitor* u);
234 };
237 struct arrayindex;
238 struct array_in: public expression
239 {
240 arrayindex* operand;
241 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
242 void visit (visitor* u);
243 };
245 struct regex_query: public expression
246 {
247 expression* left;
248 std::string op;
249 literal_string* right;
250 void visit (visitor* u);
251 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
252 };
254 struct comparison: public binary_expression
255 {
256 void visit (visitor* u);
257 };
260 struct concatenation: public binary_expression
261 {
262 void visit (visitor* u);
263 };
266 struct ternary_expression: public expression
267 {
268 expression* cond;
269 expression* truevalue;
270 expression* falsevalue;
271 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
272 void visit (visitor* u);
273 };
276 struct assignment: public binary_expression
277 {
278 void visit (visitor* u);
279 };
281 struct hist_op;
282 struct indexable : public expression
283 {
284 // This is a helper class which, type-wise, acts as a disjoint union
285 // of symbols and histograms. You can ask it whether it's a
286 // histogram or a symbol, and downcast accordingly.
287 virtual bool is_symbol(symbol *& sym_out);
288 virtual bool is_hist_op(hist_op *& hist_out);
289 virtual ~indexable() {}
290 };
292 // Perform a downcast to one out-value and NULL the other, throwing an
293 // exception if neither downcast succeeds. This is (sadly) about the
294 // best we can accomplish in C++.
295 void
296 classify_indexable(indexable* ix,
297 symbol *& array_out,
298 hist_op *& hist_out);
300 struct vardecl;
301 struct symbol: public indexable
302 {
303 std::string name;
304 vardecl *referent;
305 symbol ();
306 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
307 void visit (visitor* u);
308 // overrides of type 'indexable'
309 bool is_symbol(symbol *& sym_out);
310 };
313 struct target_symbol: public expression
314 {
315 enum component_type
316 {
317 comp_struct_member,
318 comp_literal_array_index,
319 comp_expression_array_index,
320 comp_pretty_print, // must be final
321 };
323 struct component
324 {
325 const token* tok;
326 component_type type;
327 std::string member; // comp_struct_member, comp_pretty_print
328 int64_t num_index; // comp_literal_array_index
329 expression* expr_index; // comp_expression_array_index
331 component(const token* t, const std::string& m, bool pprint=false):
332 tok(t),
333 type(pprint ? comp_pretty_print : comp_struct_member),
334 member(m), num_index(0), expr_index(0)
335 {}
336 component(const token* t, int64_t n):
337 tok(t), type(comp_literal_array_index), num_index(n),
338 expr_index(0) {}
339 component(const token* t, expression* e):
340 tok(t), type(comp_expression_array_index), num_index(0),
341 expr_index(e) {}
342 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
343 };
345 std::string name;
346 bool addressof;
347 std::vector<component> components;
348 semantic_error* saved_conversion_error; // hand-made linked list
349 target_symbol(): addressof(false), saved_conversion_error (0) {}
350 virtual std::string sym_name ();
351 void chain (const semantic_error& er);
352 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
353 void visit (visitor* u);
354 void visit_components (visitor* u);
355 void visit_components (update_visitor* u);
356 void assert_no_components(const std::string& tapset, bool pretty_ok=false);
357 size_t pretty_print_depth () const;
358 bool check_pretty_print (bool lvalue=false) const;
359 };
361 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const target_symbol::component& c);
364 struct cast_op: public target_symbol
365 {
366 expression *operand;
367 std::string type_name, module;
368 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
369 void visit (visitor* u);
370 };
372 // An autocast is like an implicit @cast on any expression, like
373 // (expr)->foo->var[baz], and the type is gleaned from the expr.
374 struct autocast_op: public target_symbol
375 {
376 expression *operand;
377 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
378 void visit (visitor* u);
379 };
381 struct atvar_op: public target_symbol
382 {
383 std::string target_name, cu_name, module;
384 virtual std::string sym_name ();
385 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
386 void visit (visitor* u);
387 };
389 struct defined_op: public expression
390 {
391 expression *operand;
392 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
393 void visit (visitor* u);
394 };
397 struct entry_op: public expression
398 {
399 expression *operand;
400 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
401 void visit (visitor* u);
402 };
405 struct perf_op: public expression
406 {
407 literal_string *operand;
408 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
409 void visit (visitor* u);
410 };
413 struct arrayindex: public expression
414 {
415 std::vector<expression*> indexes;
416 indexable *base;
417 arrayindex ();
418 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
419 void visit (visitor* u);
420 };
423 struct functiondecl;
424 struct functioncall: public expression
425 {
426 std::string function;
427 std::vector<expression*> args;
428 functiondecl *referent;
429 functioncall ();
430 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
431 void visit (visitor* u);
432 };
435 struct print_format: public expression
436 {
437 bool print_to_stream;
438 bool print_with_format;
439 bool print_with_delim;
440 bool print_with_newline;
441 bool print_char;
443 // XXX match runtime/vsprintf.c's print_flag
444 // ... for use with number() & number_size()
445 enum format_flag
446 {
447 fmt_flag_zeropad = 1,
448 fmt_flag_sign = 2,
449 fmt_flag_plus = 4,
450 fmt_flag_space = 8,
451 fmt_flag_left = 16,
452 fmt_flag_special = 32,
453 fmt_flag_large = 64,
454 };
456 enum conversion_type
457 {
458 conv_unspecified,
459 conv_pointer,
460 conv_number,
461 conv_string,
462 conv_char,
463 conv_memory,
464 conv_memory_hex,
465 conv_literal,
466 conv_binary
467 };
469 enum width_type
470 {
471 width_unspecified,
472 width_static,
473 width_dynamic
474 };
476 enum precision_type
477 {
478 prec_unspecified,
479 prec_static,
480 prec_dynamic
481 };
483 struct format_component
484 {
485 unsigned long flags;
486 unsigned base;
487 unsigned width;
488 unsigned precision;
489 width_type widthtype;
490 precision_type prectype;
491 conversion_type type;
492 std::string literal_string;
493 bool is_empty() const
494 {
495 return flags == 0
496 && widthtype == width_unspecified
497 && prectype == prec_unspecified
498 && type == conv_unspecified
499 && literal_string.empty();
500 }
501 void clear()
502 {
503 flags = 0;
504 widthtype = width_unspecified;
505 precision = 0;
506 prectype = prec_unspecified;
507 type = conv_unspecified;
508 literal_string.clear();
509 }
510 format_component() { clear(); }
511 inline void set_flag(format_flag f) { flags |= f; }
512 inline bool test_flag(format_flag f) const { return flags & f; }
513 };
515 std::string raw_components;
516 std::vector<format_component> components;
517 format_component delimiter;
518 std::vector<expression*> args;
519 hist_op *hist;
521 static std::string components_to_string(std::vector<format_component> const & components);
522 static std::vector<format_component> string_to_components(std::string const & str);
523 static print_format* create(const token *t, const char *n = NULL);
525 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
526 void visit (visitor* u);
528 private:
529 std::string print_format_type;
530 print_format(bool stream, bool format, bool delim, bool newline, bool _char, std::string type):
531 print_to_stream(stream), print_with_format(format),
532 print_with_delim(delim), print_with_newline(newline),
533 print_char(_char), hist(NULL), print_format_type(type)
534 {}
535 };
538 enum stat_component_type
539 {
540 sc_average,
541 sc_count,
542 sc_sum,
543 sc_min,
544 sc_max,
545 sc_none,
546 };
548 struct stat_op: public expression
549 {
550 stat_component_type ctype;
551 expression* stat;
552 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
553 void visit (visitor* u);
554 };
556 enum histogram_type
557 {
558 hist_linear,
559 hist_log
560 };
562 struct hist_op: public indexable
563 {
564 histogram_type htype;
565 expression* stat;
566 std::vector<int64_t> params;
567 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
568 void visit (visitor* u);
569 // overrides of type 'indexable'
570 bool is_hist_op(hist_op *& hist_out);
571 };
573 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 struct symboldecl // unique object per (possibly implicit)
577 // symbol declaration
578 {
579 const token* tok;
580 const token* systemtap_v_conditional; //checking systemtap compatibility
581 std::string name;
582 exp_type type;
583 exp_type_ptr type_details;
584 symboldecl ();
585 virtual ~symboldecl ();
586 virtual void print (std::ostream &o) const = 0;
587 virtual void printsig (std::ostream &o) const = 0;
588 };
591 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const symboldecl& k);
594 struct vardecl: public symboldecl
595 {
596 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
597 void printsig (std::ostream& o) const;
598 vardecl ();
599 void set_arity (int arity, const token* t);
600 bool compatible_arity (int a);
601 const token* arity_tok; // site where arity was first resolved
602 int arity; // -1: unknown; 0: scalar; >0: array
603 int maxsize; // upperbound on size for arrays
604 std::vector<exp_type> index_types; // for arrays only
605 literal *init; // for global scalars only
606 bool synthetic; // for probe locals only, don't init on entry
607 bool wrap;
608 bool char_ptr_arg; // set in ::emit_common_header(), only used if a formal_arg
609 };
612 struct vardecl_builtin: public vardecl
613 {
614 };
616 struct statement;
617 struct functiondecl: public symboldecl
618 {
619 std::vector<vardecl*> formal_args;
620 std::vector<vardecl*> locals;
621 std::vector<vardecl*> unused_locals;
622 std::vector<vardecl*> unmodified_args; // not modified after assignment
623 statement* body;
624 bool synthetic;
625 bool mangle_oldstyle;
626 functiondecl ();
627 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
628 void printsig (std::ostream& o) const;
629 void printsigtags (std::ostream& o, bool all_tags) const;
630 void join (systemtap_session& s); // for synthetic functions only
631 };
634 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 struct statement : public visitable
638 {
639 virtual void print (std::ostream& o) const = 0;
640 virtual void visit (visitor* u) = 0;
641 const token* tok;
642 statement ();
643 statement (const token* tok);
644 virtual ~statement ();
645 };
647 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const statement& k);
650 struct embeddedcode: public statement
651 {
652 std::string code;
653 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
654 void visit (visitor* u);
655 };
658 struct block: public statement
659 {
660 std::vector<statement*> statements;
661 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
662 void visit (visitor* u);
663 block () {}
664 block (statement* car, statement* cdr);
665 virtual ~block () {}
666 };
669 struct try_block: public statement
670 {
671 statement* try_block; // may be 0
672 statement* catch_block; // may be 0
673 symbol* catch_error_var; // may be 0
674 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
675 void visit (visitor* u);
676 };
679 struct expr_statement;
680 struct for_loop: public statement
681 {
682 expr_statement* init; // may be 0
683 expression* cond;
684 expr_statement* incr; // may be 0
685 statement* block;
686 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
687 void visit (visitor* u);
688 };
691 struct foreach_loop: public statement
692 {
693 // this part is a specialization of arrayindex
694 std::vector<symbol*> indexes;
695 std::vector<expression*> array_slice; // optional array slice to iterate over
696 indexable *base;
697 int sort_direction; // -1: decreasing, 0: none, 1: increasing
698 unsigned sort_column; // 0: value, 1..N: index
699 enum stat_component_type sort_aggr; // for aggregate arrays, which aggregate to sort on
700 symbol* value; // optional iteration value
701 expression* limit; // optional iteration limit
703 statement* block;
704 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
705 void visit (visitor* u);
706 };
709 struct null_statement: public statement
710 {
711 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
712 void visit (visitor* u);
713 null_statement (const token* tok);
714 };
717 struct expr_statement: public statement
718 {
719 expression* value; // executed for side-effects
720 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
721 void visit (visitor* u);
722 };
725 struct if_statement: public statement
726 {
727 expression* condition;
728 statement* thenblock;
729 statement* elseblock; // may be 0
730 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
731 void visit (visitor* u);
732 };
735 struct return_statement: public expr_statement
736 {
737 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
738 void visit (visitor* u);
739 };
742 struct delete_statement: public expr_statement
743 {
744 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
745 void visit (visitor* u);
746 };
749 struct break_statement: public statement
750 {
751 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
752 void visit (visitor* u);
753 };
756 struct continue_statement: public statement
757 {
758 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
759 void visit (visitor* u);
760 };
763 struct next_statement: public statement
764 {
765 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
766 void visit (visitor* u);
767 };
770 struct probe;
771 struct derived_probe;
772 struct probe_alias;
773 struct embeddedcode;
774 struct stapfile
775 {
776 std::string name;
777 std::vector<probe*> probes;
778 std::vector<probe_alias*> aliases;
779 std::vector<functiondecl*> functions;
780 std::vector<vardecl*> globals;
781 std::vector<embeddedcode*> embeds;
782 std::string file_contents;
783 bool privileged;
784 bool synthetic; // via parse_synthetic_*
785 stapfile (): file_contents (""),
786 privileged (false), synthetic (false) {}
787 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
788 };
791 struct probe_point
792 {
793 struct component // XXX: sort of a restricted functioncall
794 {
795 std::string functor;
796 literal* arg; // optional
797 component ();
798 const token* tok; // points to component's functor
799 component(std::string const & f, literal * a = NULL);
800 };
801 std::vector<component*> components;
802 bool optional;
803 bool sufficient;
804 bool from_glob;
805 bool well_formed; // used in derived_probe::script_location()
806 expression* condition;
807 void print (std::ostream& o, bool print_extras=true) const;
808 probe_point ();
809 probe_point(const probe_point& pp);
810 probe_point(std::vector<component*> const & comps);
811 std::string str(bool print_extras=true) const;
812 };
814 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const probe_point& k);
817 struct probe
818 {
819 std::vector<probe_point*> locations;
820 statement* body;
821 struct probe* base;
822 const token* tok;
823 const token* systemtap_v_conditional; //checking systemtap compatibility
824 std::vector<vardecl*> locals;
825 std::vector<vardecl*> unused_locals;
826 static unsigned last_probeidx;
827 probe ();
828 probe (probe* p, probe_point *l);
829 void print (std::ostream& o) const;
830 virtual void printsig (std::ostream &o) const;
831 virtual void collect_derivation_chain (std::vector<probe*> &probes_list) const;
832 virtual void collect_derivation_pp_chain (std::vector<probe_point*> &) const;
833 virtual const probe_alias *get_alias () const { return 0; }
834 virtual probe_point *get_alias_loc () const { return 0; }
835 virtual ~probe() {}
836 bool privileged;
837 std::string name;
838 };
840 struct probe_alias: public probe
841 {
842 probe_alias(std::vector<probe_point*> const & aliases);
843 std::vector<probe_point*> alias_names;
844 virtual void printsig (std::ostream &o) const;
845 bool epilogue_style;
846 };
849 // A derived visitor instance is used to visit the entire
850 // statement/expression tree.
851 struct visitor
852 {
853 // Machinery for differentiating lvalue visits from non-lvalue.
854 std::vector<expression *> active_lvalues;
855 bool is_active_lvalue(expression *e);
856 void push_active_lvalue(expression *e);
857 void pop_active_lvalue();
859 virtual ~visitor () {}
860 virtual void visit_block (block *s) = 0;
861 virtual void visit_try_block (try_block *s) = 0;
862 virtual void visit_embeddedcode (embeddedcode *s) = 0;
863 virtual void visit_null_statement (null_statement *s) = 0;
864 virtual void visit_expr_statement (expr_statement *s) = 0;
865 virtual void visit_if_statement (if_statement* s) = 0;
866 virtual void visit_for_loop (for_loop* s) = 0;
867 virtual void visit_foreach_loop (foreach_loop* s) = 0;
868 virtual void visit_return_statement (return_statement* s) = 0;
869 virtual void visit_delete_statement (delete_statement* s) = 0;
870 virtual void visit_next_statement (next_statement* s) = 0;
871 virtual void visit_break_statement (break_statement* s) = 0;
872 virtual void visit_continue_statement (continue_statement* s) = 0;
873 virtual void visit_literal_string (literal_string* e) = 0;
874 virtual void visit_literal_number (literal_number* e) = 0;
875 virtual void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr* e) = 0;
876 virtual void visit_binary_expression (binary_expression* e) = 0;
877 virtual void visit_unary_expression (unary_expression* e) = 0;
878 virtual void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement* e) = 0;
879 virtual void visit_post_crement (post_crement* e) = 0;
880 virtual void visit_logical_or_expr (logical_or_expr* e) = 0;
881 virtual void visit_logical_and_expr (logical_and_expr* e) = 0;
882 virtual void visit_array_in (array_in* e) = 0;
883 virtual void visit_regex_query (regex_query* e) = 0;
884 virtual void visit_comparison (comparison* e) = 0;
885 virtual void visit_concatenation (concatenation* e) = 0;
886 virtual void visit_ternary_expression (ternary_expression* e) = 0;
887 virtual void visit_assignment (assignment* e) = 0;
888 virtual void visit_symbol (symbol* e) = 0;
889 virtual void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol* e) = 0;
890 virtual void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex* e) = 0;
891 virtual void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e) = 0;
892 virtual void visit_print_format (print_format* e) = 0;
893 virtual void visit_stat_op (stat_op* e) = 0;
894 virtual void visit_hist_op (hist_op* e) = 0;
895 virtual void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e) = 0;
896 virtual void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e) = 0;
897 virtual void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op* e) = 0;
898 virtual void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e) = 0;
899 virtual void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e) = 0;
900 virtual void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e) = 0;
901 };
904 // A simple kind of visitor, which travels down to the leaves of the
905 // statement/expression tree, up to but excluding following vardecls
906 // and functioncalls.
907 struct traversing_visitor: public visitor
908 {
909 void visit_block (block *s);
910 void visit_try_block (try_block *s);
911 void visit_embeddedcode (embeddedcode *s);
912 void visit_null_statement (null_statement *s);
913 void visit_expr_statement (expr_statement *s);
914 void visit_if_statement (if_statement* s);
915 void visit_for_loop (for_loop* s);
916 void visit_foreach_loop (foreach_loop* s);
917 void visit_return_statement (return_statement* s);
918 void visit_delete_statement (delete_statement* s);
919 void visit_next_statement (next_statement* s);
920 void visit_break_statement (break_statement* s);
921 void visit_continue_statement (continue_statement* s);
922 void visit_literal_string (literal_string* e);
923 void visit_literal_number (literal_number* e);
924 void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr* e);
925 void visit_binary_expression (binary_expression* e);
926 void visit_unary_expression (unary_expression* e);
927 void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement* e);
928 void visit_post_crement (post_crement* e);
929 void visit_logical_or_expr (logical_or_expr* e);
930 void visit_logical_and_expr (logical_and_expr* e);
931 void visit_array_in (array_in* e);
932 void visit_regex_query (regex_query* e);
933 void visit_comparison (comparison* e);
934 void visit_concatenation (concatenation* e);
935 void visit_ternary_expression (ternary_expression* e);
936 void visit_assignment (assignment* e);
937 void visit_symbol (symbol* e);
938 void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol* e);
939 void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex* e);
940 void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e);
941 void visit_print_format (print_format* e);
942 void visit_stat_op (stat_op* e);
943 void visit_hist_op (hist_op* e);
944 void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e);
945 void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e);
946 void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op* e);
947 void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e);
948 void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e);
949 void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e);
950 };
953 // A visitor that calls a generic visit_expression on every expression.
954 struct expression_visitor: public traversing_visitor
955 {
956 virtual void visit_expression(expression *e) = 0;
958 void visit_literal_string (literal_string* e);
959 void visit_literal_number (literal_number* e);
960 void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr* e);
961 void visit_binary_expression (binary_expression* e);
962 void visit_unary_expression (unary_expression* e);
963 void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement* e);
964 void visit_post_crement (post_crement* e);
965 void visit_logical_or_expr (logical_or_expr* e);
966 void visit_logical_and_expr (logical_and_expr* e);
967 void visit_array_in (array_in* e);
968 void visit_regex_query (regex_query* e);
969 void visit_comparison (comparison* e);
970 void visit_concatenation (concatenation* e);
971 void visit_ternary_expression (ternary_expression* e);
972 void visit_assignment (assignment* e);
973 void visit_symbol (symbol* e);
974 void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol* e);
975 void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex* e);
976 void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e);
977 void visit_print_format (print_format* e);
978 void visit_stat_op (stat_op* e);
979 void visit_hist_op (hist_op* e);
980 void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e);
981 void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e);
982 void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op* e);
983 void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e);
984 void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e);
985 void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e);
986 };
989 // A kind of traversing visitor, which also follows function calls.
990 // It uses an internal set object to prevent infinite recursion.
991 struct functioncall_traversing_visitor: public traversing_visitor
992 {
993 std::set<functiondecl*> seen;
994 std::set<functiondecl*> nested;
995 functiondecl* current_function;
996 functioncall_traversing_visitor(): current_function(0) {}
997 void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e);
998 virtual void note_recursive_functioncall (functioncall* e);
999 };
1002 // A kind of traversing visitor, which also follows function calls,
1003 // and stores the vardecl* referent of each variable read and/or
1004 // written and other such sundry side-effect data. It's used by
1005 // the elaboration-time optimizer pass.
1006 struct varuse_collecting_visitor: public functioncall_traversing_visitor
1007 {
1008 systemtap_session& session;
1009 std::set<vardecl*> read;
1010 std::set<vardecl*> written;
1011 std::set<vardecl*> used;
1012 bool embedded_seen;
1013 bool current_lvalue_read;
1014 expression* current_lvalue;
1015 expression* current_lrvalue;
1016 varuse_collecting_visitor(systemtap_session& s):
1017 session (s),
1018 embedded_seen (false),
1019 current_lvalue_read (false),
1020 current_lvalue(0),
1021 current_lrvalue(0) {}
1022 void visit_embeddedcode (embeddedcode *s);
1023 void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr *e);
1024 void visit_try_block (try_block *s);
1025 void visit_delete_statement (delete_statement *s);
1026 void visit_print_format (print_format *e);
1027 void visit_assignment (assignment *e);
1028 void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex *e);
1029 void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol *e);
1030 void visit_symbol (symbol *e);
1031 void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement *e);
1032 void visit_post_crement (post_crement *e);
1033 void visit_foreach_loop (foreach_loop *s);
1034 void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e);
1035 void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e);
1036 void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op *e);
1037 void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e);
1038 void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e);
1039 void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e);
1040 bool side_effect_free ();
1041 bool side_effect_free_wrt (const std::set<vardecl*>& vars);
1042 };
1046 // A kind of visitor that throws an semantic_error exception
1047 // whenever a non-overridden method is called.
1048 struct throwing_visitor: public visitor
1049 {
1050 std::string msg;
1051 throwing_visitor (const std::string& m);
1052 throwing_visitor ();
1054 virtual void throwone (const token* t);
1056 void visit_block (block *s);
1057 void visit_try_block (try_block *s);
1058 void visit_embeddedcode (embeddedcode *s);
1059 void visit_null_statement (null_statement *s);
1060 void visit_expr_statement (expr_statement *s);
1061 void visit_if_statement (if_statement* s);
1062 void visit_for_loop (for_loop* s);
1063 void visit_foreach_loop (foreach_loop* s);
1064 void visit_return_statement (return_statement* s);
1065 void visit_delete_statement (delete_statement* s);
1066 void visit_next_statement (next_statement* s);
1067 void visit_break_statement (break_statement* s);
1068 void visit_continue_statement (continue_statement* s);
1069 void visit_literal_string (literal_string* e);
1070 void visit_literal_number (literal_number* e);
1071 void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr* e);
1072 void visit_binary_expression (binary_expression* e);
1073 void visit_unary_expression (unary_expression* e);
1074 void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement* e);
1075 void visit_post_crement (post_crement* e);
1076 void visit_logical_or_expr (logical_or_expr* e);
1077 void visit_logical_and_expr (logical_and_expr* e);
1078 void visit_array_in (array_in* e);
1079 void visit_regex_query (regex_query* e);
1080 void visit_comparison (comparison* e);
1081 void visit_concatenation (concatenation* e);
1082 void visit_ternary_expression (ternary_expression* e);
1083 void visit_assignment (assignment* e);
1084 void visit_symbol (symbol* e);
1085 void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol* e);
1086 void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex* e);
1087 void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e);
1088 void visit_print_format (print_format* e);
1089 void visit_stat_op (stat_op* e);
1090 void visit_hist_op (hist_op* e);
1091 void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e);
1092 void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e);
1093 void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op* e);
1094 void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e);
1095 void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e);
1096 void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e);
1097 };
1099 // A visitor similar to a traversing_visitor, but with the ability to rewrite
1100 // parts of the tree through require/provide.
1102 struct update_visitor: public visitor
1103 {
1104 template <typename T> T* require (T* src, bool clearok=false)
1105 {
1106 T* dst = NULL;
1107 if (src != NULL)
1108 {
1109 src->visit(this);
1110 if (values.empty())
1111 throw std::runtime_error(_("update_visitor wasn't provided a value"));
1112 visitable *v = values.top();
1113 values.pop();
1114 if (v == NULL && !clearok)
1115 throw std::runtime_error(_("update_visitor was provided a NULL value"));
1116 dst = dynamic_cast<T*>(v);
1117 if (v != NULL && dst == NULL)
1118 throw std::runtime_error(_F("update_visitor can't set type \"%s\" with a \"%s\"",
1119 typeid(T).name(), typeid(*v).name()));
1120 }
1121 return dst;
1122 }
1124 template <typename T> void provide (T* src)
1125 {
1126 values.push(src);
1127 }
1129 template <typename T> void replace (T*& src, bool clearok=false)
1130 {
1131 src = require(src, clearok);
1132 }
1134 virtual ~update_visitor() { assert(values.empty()); }
1136 virtual void visit_block (block *s);
1137 virtual void visit_try_block (try_block *s);
1138 virtual void visit_embeddedcode (embeddedcode *s);
1139 virtual void visit_null_statement (null_statement *s);
1140 virtual void visit_expr_statement (expr_statement *s);
1141 virtual void visit_if_statement (if_statement* s);
1142 virtual void visit_for_loop (for_loop* s);
1143 virtual void visit_foreach_loop (foreach_loop* s);
1144 virtual void visit_return_statement (return_statement* s);
1145 virtual void visit_delete_statement (delete_statement* s);
1146 virtual void visit_next_statement (next_statement* s);
1147 virtual void visit_break_statement (break_statement* s);
1148 virtual void visit_continue_statement (continue_statement* s);
1149 virtual void visit_literal_string (literal_string* e);
1150 virtual void visit_literal_number (literal_number* e);
1151 virtual void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr* e);
1152 virtual void visit_binary_expression (binary_expression* e);
1153 virtual void visit_unary_expression (unary_expression* e);
1154 virtual void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement* e);
1155 virtual void visit_post_crement (post_crement* e);
1156 virtual void visit_logical_or_expr (logical_or_expr* e);
1157 virtual void visit_logical_and_expr (logical_and_expr* e);
1158 virtual void visit_array_in (array_in* e);
1159 virtual void visit_regex_query (regex_query* e);
1160 virtual void visit_comparison (comparison* e);
1161 virtual void visit_concatenation (concatenation* e);
1162 virtual void visit_ternary_expression (ternary_expression* e);
1163 virtual void visit_assignment (assignment* e);
1164 virtual void visit_symbol (symbol* e);
1165 virtual void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol* e);
1166 virtual void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex* e);
1167 virtual void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e);
1168 virtual void visit_print_format (print_format* e);
1169 virtual void visit_stat_op (stat_op* e);
1170 virtual void visit_hist_op (hist_op* e);
1171 virtual void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e);
1172 virtual void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e);
1173 virtual void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op* e);
1174 virtual void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e);
1175 virtual void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e);
1176 virtual void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e);
1178 private:
1179 std::stack<visitable *> values;
1180 };
1182 // A visitor which performs a deep copy of the root node it's applied
1183 // to. NB: It does not copy any of the variable or function
1184 // declarations; those fields are set to NULL, assuming you want to
1185 // re-infer the declarations in a new context (the one you're copying
1186 // to).
1188 struct deep_copy_visitor: public update_visitor
1189 {
1190 template <typename T> static T* deep_copy (T* e)
1191 {
1192 deep_copy_visitor v;
1193 return v.require (e);
1194 }
1196 virtual void visit_block (block *s);
1197 virtual void visit_try_block (try_block *s);
1198 virtual void visit_embeddedcode (embeddedcode *s);
1199 virtual void visit_null_statement (null_statement *s);
1200 virtual void visit_expr_statement (expr_statement *s);
1201 virtual void visit_if_statement (if_statement* s);
1202 virtual void visit_for_loop (for_loop* s);
1203 virtual void visit_foreach_loop (foreach_loop* s);
1204 virtual void visit_return_statement (return_statement* s);
1205 virtual void visit_delete_statement (delete_statement* s);
1206 virtual void visit_next_statement (next_statement* s);
1207 virtual void visit_break_statement (break_statement* s);
1208 virtual void visit_continue_statement (continue_statement* s);
1209 virtual void visit_literal_string (literal_string* e);
1210 virtual void visit_literal_number (literal_number* e);
1211 virtual void visit_embedded_expr (embedded_expr* e);
1212 virtual void visit_binary_expression (binary_expression* e);
1213 virtual void visit_unary_expression (unary_expression* e);
1214 virtual void visit_pre_crement (pre_crement* e);
1215 virtual void visit_post_crement (post_crement* e);
1216 virtual void visit_logical_or_expr (logical_or_expr* e);
1217 virtual void visit_logical_and_expr (logical_and_expr* e);
1218 virtual void visit_array_in (array_in* e);
1219 virtual void visit_regex_query (regex_query* e);
1220 virtual void visit_comparison (comparison* e);
1221 virtual void visit_concatenation (concatenation* e);
1222 virtual void visit_ternary_expression (ternary_expression* e);
1223 virtual void visit_assignment (assignment* e);
1224 virtual void visit_symbol (symbol* e);
1225 virtual void visit_target_symbol (target_symbol* e);
1226 virtual void visit_arrayindex (arrayindex* e);
1227 virtual void visit_functioncall (functioncall* e);
1228 virtual void visit_print_format (print_format* e);
1229 virtual void visit_stat_op (stat_op* e);
1230 virtual void visit_hist_op (hist_op* e);
1231 virtual void visit_cast_op (cast_op* e);
1232 virtual void visit_autocast_op (autocast_op* e);
1233 virtual void visit_atvar_op (atvar_op* e);
1234 virtual void visit_defined_op (defined_op* e);
1235 virtual void visit_entry_op (entry_op* e);
1236 virtual void visit_perf_op (perf_op* e);
1237 };
1239 #endif // STAPTREE_H
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