LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libelf - elf_getdata_rawchunk.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: elfutils-0.175 Lines: 37 55 67.3 %
Date: 2018-11-16 13:02:39 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Return converted data from raw chunk of ELF file.
       2             :    Copyright (C) 2007, 2014, 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
       3             :    This file is part of elfutils.
       4             : 
       5             :    This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       6             :    it under the terms of either
       7             : 
       8             :      * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
       9             :        Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
      10             :        your option) any later version
      11             : 
      12             :    or
      13             : 
      14             :      * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
      15             :        Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
      16             :        your option) any later version
      17             : 
      18             :    or both in parallel, as here.
      19             : 
      20             :    elfutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
      21             :    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      23             :    General Public License for more details.
      24             : 
      25             :    You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and
      26             :    the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If
      27             :    not, see <>.  */
      28             : 
      29             : #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
      30             : # include <config.h>
      31             : #endif
      32             : 
      33             : #include <assert.h>
      34             : #include <errno.h>
      35             : #include <stdlib.h>
      36             : #include <string.h>
      37             : #include <unistd.h>
      38             : 
      39             : #include <system.h>
      40             : #include "libelfP.h"
      41             : #include "common.h"
      42             : 
      43             : Elf_Data *
      44         856 : elf_getdata_rawchunk (Elf *elf, off_t offset, size_t size, Elf_Type type)
      45             : {
      46         856 :   if (unlikely (elf == NULL))
      47             :     return NULL;
      48             : 
      49         856 :   if (unlikely (elf->kind != ELF_K_ELF))
      50             :     {
      51             :       /* No valid descriptor.  */
      52           0 :       __libelf_seterrno (ELF_E_INVALID_HANDLE);
      53           0 :       return NULL;
      54             :     }
      55             : 
      56         856 :   if (unlikely (offset < 0 || (uint64_t) offset > elf->maximum_size
      57             :                 || elf->maximum_size - (uint64_t) offset < size))
      58             : 
      59             :     {
      60             :       /* Invalid request.  */
      61           0 :       __libelf_seterrno (ELF_E_INVALID_OP);
      62           0 :       return NULL;
      63             :     }
      64             : 
      65         856 :   if (type >= ELF_T_NUM)
      66             :     {
      67           0 :       __libelf_seterrno (ELF_E_UNKNOWN_TYPE);
      68           0 :       return NULL;
      69             :     }
      70             : 
      71             :   /* Get the raw bytes from the file.  */
      72             :   void *rawchunk;
      73         856 :   int flags = 0;
      74         856 :   Elf_Data *result = NULL;
      75             : 
      76             :   rwlock_rdlock (elf->lock);
      77             : 
      78         856 :   size_t align = __libelf_type_align (elf->class, type);
      79         856 :   if (elf->map_address != NULL)
      80             :     {
      81             :     /* If the file is mmap'ed we can use it directly, if aligned for type.  */
      82         855 :       char *rawdata = elf->map_address + elf->start_offset + offset;
      83         855 :       if (((uintptr_t) rawdata & (align - 1)) == 0)
      84             :         rawchunk = rawdata;
      85             :       else
      86             :         {
      87             :           /* We allocate the memory and memcpy it to get aligned data. */
      88           3 :           rawchunk = malloc (size);
      89           3 :           if (rawchunk == NULL)
      90             :             goto nomem;
      91           3 :           memcpy (rawchunk, rawdata, size);
      92           3 :           flags = ELF_F_MALLOCED;
      93             :         }
      94             :     }
      95             :   else
      96             :     {
      97             :       /* We allocate the memory and read the data from the file.  */
      98           1 :       rawchunk = malloc (size);
      99           1 :       if (rawchunk == NULL)
     100             :         {
     101           0 :         nomem:
     102           0 :           __libelf_seterrno (ELF_E_NOMEM);
     103           0 :           goto out;
     104             :         }
     105             : 
     106             :       /* Read the file content.  */
     107           1 :       if (unlikely ((size_t) pread_retry (elf->fildes, rawchunk, size,
     108             :                                           elf->start_offset + offset)
     109             :                     != size))
     110             :         {
     111             :           /* Something went wrong.  */
     112           0 :           free (rawchunk);
     113           0 :           __libelf_seterrno (ELF_E_READ_ERROR);
     114           0 :           goto out;
     115             :         }
     116             : 
     117             :       flags = ELF_F_MALLOCED;
     118             :     }
     119             : 
     120             :   /* Copy and/or convert the data as needed for aligned native-order access.  */
     121             :   void *buffer;
     122         856 :   if (elf->state.elf32.ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] == MY_ELFDATA)
     123             :     {
     124         520 :       if (((uintptr_t) rawchunk & (align - 1)) == 0)
     125             :         /* No need to copy, we can use the raw data.  */
     126             :         buffer = rawchunk;
     127             :       else
     128             :         {
     129             :           /* A malloc'd block is always sufficiently aligned.  */
     130           0 :           assert (flags == 0);
     131             : 
     132           0 :           buffer = malloc (size);
     133           0 :           if (unlikely (buffer == NULL))
     134             :             goto nomem;
     135           0 :           flags = ELF_F_MALLOCED;
     136             : 
     137             :           /* The copy will be appropriately aligned for direct access.  */
     138             :           memcpy (buffer, rawchunk, size);
     139             :         }
     140             :     }
     141             :   else
     142             :     {
     143         336 :       if (flags)
     144             :         buffer = rawchunk;
     145             :       else
     146             :         {
     147         332 :           buffer = malloc (size);
     148         332 :           if (unlikely (buffer == NULL))
     149             :             goto nomem;
     150             :           flags = ELF_F_MALLOCED;
     151             :         }
     152             : 
     153             :       /* Call the conversion function.  */
     154         336 :       (*__elf_xfctstom[LIBELF_EV_IDX][LIBELF_EV_IDX][elf->class - 1][type])
     155             :         (buffer, rawchunk, size, 0);
     156             :     }
     157             : 
     158             :   /* Allocate the dummy container to point at this buffer.  */
     159         856 :   Elf_Data_Chunk *chunk = calloc (1, sizeof *chunk);
     160         856 :   if (chunk == NULL)
     161             :     {
     162           0 :       if (flags)
     163           0 :         free (buffer);
     164             :       goto nomem;
     165             :     }
     166             : 
     167         856 :   chunk->dummy_scn.elf = elf;
     168         856 :   chunk->dummy_scn.flags = flags;
     169         856 :   chunk->data.s = &chunk->dummy_scn;
     170         856 :   chunk->data.d.d_buf = buffer;
     171         856 :   chunk->data.d.d_size = size;
     172         856 :   chunk->data.d.d_type = type;
     173         856 :   chunk->data.d.d_align = align;
     174         856 :   chunk->data.d.d_version = __libelf_version;
     175             : 
     176             :   rwlock_unlock (elf->lock);
     177             :   rwlock_wrlock (elf->lock);
     178             : 
     179         856 :   chunk->next = elf->state.elf.rawchunks;
     180         856 :   elf->state.elf.rawchunks = chunk;
     181         856 :   result = &chunk->data.d;
     182             : 
     183             :  out:
     184             :   rwlock_unlock (elf->lock);
     185             :   return result;
     186             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13