For the command line utilities: fstack, ftrace, fstep, fcatch and fcore: The SEE ALSO sections need to be update to include all the other programs for each program. Also some of the command line utilities refer to themselves in the description/name portions. Example: "fstack runs frysk fstack stack tracing utilitiy" should not have second fstack. Also some example sections only have the command in them. Should also have the arguments that must be passed.
The split between downstream frysk and frysk-devel rpms is artificial so not of concern here. Having references to components that can't be used, e.g., libc functions from user commands is common. Perhaps, though, downstream should include all man pages in the frysk rpm so that at least following references is possible. Not a bug for here.
I meant that the utilities are not consistent in the other tools that they mention in the SEE ALSO section. Usually newer tools will mention older tools but not vice versa.
Fixed for now. February 1, 2007 frysk-core/frysk/bindir/CL * fcatch.xml: Updated SEE ALSO section. Cleaned up EXAMPLE, SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION sections. * fcore.xml: Ditto. * fhpd.xml: Ditto. * fparser.xml: Ditto. * fstack.xml: Ditto. * fstep.xml: Ditto. * ftrace.xml: Ditto.