Bug 3575 - Stepping + no debuginfo == bad news
Summary: Stepping + no debuginfo == bad news
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Mike Cvet
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Blocks: 1633 3346
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Reported: 2006-11-23 15:35 UTC by Mike Cvet
Modified: 2007-03-28 12:03 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Mike Cvet 2006-11-23 15:35:19 UTC
Stepping into a function (library function, etc) without debuginfo means that 
the DwflLine returned is null and line-stepping will fail. 

Need to determine satisfactory default behaviour for this case.
Comment 1 Mike Cvet 2006-11-23 20:41:30 UTC
        2006-11-23  Mike Cvet  <mcvet@redhat.com>
        * RunState.java (setUpStep): If the DwflLine returned is null, perform
        an instruction step. Handles line stepping within frames without debug
        info. Temporary fix for #3575.
        * StackFrame.java (frameToString): Renamed from toString().
Comment 2 Mike Cvet 2007-03-28 13:03:58 UTC
Something to keep in mind is the case of a signal delivery, and the handler 
being located in a section of code with debuginfo. That being the case, the 
stack would be:

[debuginfo code - local singal handler]

[non-debuginfo code - signal stuff]

[debuginfo code - rest of program]

The user may not necessarily want to skip over the handler, even though the 
signal delivery code is a non-debuginfo section. i

Another possibility is to just require a breakpoint set on handler code if that 
is the area of interest.