There are at least three senarios: - a single threaded process does an exec - a multi-threaded process has it's main thread do an exec - a multi-threaded process has a non-main thread do an exec need to add something to frysk-imports/tests/* to confirm the behavior of each of the kernel in each of these cases. Something really simple like, set up the senario, do the exec, passing the new program the expected pid (obtained from gettid()), and then have that program verify that getpid() matches.
Added: frysk-imports/tests/process/multi_child_exec.c frysk-imports/tests/process/multi_child_parent_exec.c frysk-imports/tests/process/multi_parent_exec.c frysk-imports/tests/process/single_exec.c
Tests now run in frysk-imports test harness