Bug 19265

Summary: finding out-of-tree kernel modules only works with full paths, not relative paths
Product: systemtap Reporter: David Smith <dsmith>
Component: translatorAssignee: Unassigned <systemtap>
Severity: normal    
Priority: P2    
Version: unspecified   
Target Milestone: ---   
Host: Target:
Build: Last reconfirmed:

Description David Smith 2015-11-18 19:36:43 UTC
Let's say you have an out-of-tree kernel module, like the one from the modules_out_of_tree.exp testcase.

If you refer to the full pathname of the module, things work correctly:

# stap -l 'module("/root/module/stap_modules_out_of_tree.ko").function("*_init")'

However, a relative path doesn't work:

# pwd
# stap -l 'module("./stap_modules_out_of_tree.ko").function("*_init")'
Comment 1 David Smith 2015-11-19 14:57:22 UTC
Here's another oddity reported by Nan Xiao in


Another interesting thing: if there is a "-" in path, the SystemTap
also fail to parse:

# stap -v -l 'module("/root/Downloads/kernel-master/105.ops/kex.ko").function("*")'
Pass 1: parsed user script and 102 library script(s) using
78528virt/28740res/2700shr/26724data kb, in 170usr/20sys/183real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 0 probe(s), 0 function(s), 0 embed(s), 0
global(s) using 79536virt/30480res/3164shr/27732data kb, in
0usr/50sys/53real ms.

Change kernel-master to kernel:

 # stap -v -l 'module("/root/Downloads/kernel/105.ops/kex.ko").function("*")'
Pass 1: parsed user script and 102 library script(s) using
78528virt/28732res/2700shr/26724data kb, in 180usr/10sys/189real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 6 probe(s), 0 function(s), 0 embed(s), 0
global(s) using 79548virt/30624res/3304shr/27744data kb, in
20usr/30sys/56real ms.
Comment 2 David Smith 2015-11-23 16:54:17 UTC
Looks like the "dash" problem mentioned in comment #1 comes from the following code from dwarf_builder::build() in tapsets.cxx:

  else if (get_param (parameters, TOK_MODULE, module_name))                     
      // If not a full path was given, then it's an in-tree module. Replace any 
      // dashes with underscores.                                               
      if (!is_fully_resolved(module_name, sess.sysroot, sess.sysenv))           
          size_t dash_pos = 0;                                                  
          string module_name2 = module_name; // copy out for replace operations 
          module_name = module_name2;                                           
          filled_parameters[TOK_MODULE] = new literal_string(module_name);      
      // NB: glob patterns get expanded later, during the offline               
      // elfutils module listing.                                               
      dw = get_kern_dw(sess, module_name);                                      

The code is replacing *all* the dashes with underscores, not just the ones in the module file name itself.
Comment 3 David Smith 2016-01-11 21:27:44 UTC
Fixed in commit 51f0b23.